Bonds through time part 13

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It took around a month for Ezra to fully heal and offically be out of that damn infirmary wing. The sterile smell and the white colour of quite literally everything was starting to seriously piss him off. What's more, his Psychologist kept coming over all the time with no explanation whatsoever. She would just sit there with that smug look on her face that just spelled "I know you are not telling me something". Which was true, if Ezra was honest with himself. He didn't want to admit that the whole fiasco with him being shot and not calling for help had an underlaying meaning to it. He was in deep denial about his intentions, or wishes that night when he laid in a pool of his own blood. It wasn't the first time he wanted to die, to finally perish from this world despite always claiming to Aliza that he had no suicidal thoughts at all. He knew that she knew that HE knew he was lying but that doesn't mean he can stop trying to convince himself and the people around him right? Besides maybe it was never that serious, maybe he would have changed his mind and called out for help at one point, who's to know? But maybe, if that night Kanan hadn't found him would he have really....? And if that was the case, would he be happy with that sort of end? These thoughts played over and over in his mind while being stuck in those four white walls for such a long time. Drives you completely crazy how SAME they look everytime, forces you to be in the company of your own mind instead which in Ezra's case wasn't the best scenario. 

When he finally got out, he slammed the door of the infirmary with the force on purpose so it produced a loud BANG! Offically announcing that he was out! Ezra came out a bit earlier so Kanan wasn't there yet to pick him up, he knew the boy was perfectly capable of making it around on his own but for some reason the older Jedi's been with him more and more. Of course it's to be expected, since they are Master and Padawan offically now but it still felt strange. Had Aliza told him something? Ezra didn't know and he didn't want to pry. He just had this feeling that his doctor knew damn well what he intended with himself that night. 

"Oh Ezra, you're out early!" Kanan's voice brought the boy back from his thoughts, he looked at the man he was offically appointed to with a slight smile on his face. Kanan resembled a puppy as he skipped towards the teen. There was this air about him that seemed to shine only positive energy but Ezra was sure the man had his demons too.

"Uh..Yeah, I wanted to make a grand exit by myself" The teen answered as he scratched his head. Those same gentle green eyes setting their gaze on him as they scanned him up and down, almost like making sure he was definetely alright despite already being approved as healthy and recovered enough by the head doctor. The air between them had become less awkard and after what happened in the infirmary, Ezra felt much closer to the man. Not to mention, Kanan came to visit the boy everyday in the month he was trapped in the infirmary, bringing get well treats and all that sappy cute stuff that definetely made sense when it came to Kanan. The older Jedi was an overly kind soul who cares more about others than himself. That's another thing the teen came to know about Kanan throughtout his time with him, they talked on and on about Kanan's padawan days and how he was one hell of a nuisance with his constant questions. Ezra liked his company and with time expressed himself more honestly with him.

"Ezra? Ezra? Kiddo you alright?" Kanan called out, a concerned expression washed over his face. This snapped the teen from his thoughts and back to reality "Huh?" he muttered but then realised that he was in fact silent for a good 2 minutes "Oh..Sorry Kanan, just thinking"

The older man smiled and his expression softened "It's alright..Shall we go?" Ezra nodded as he started walking alongside Kanan. The man was walking much faster than usual, trying to match Ezra's pace. Soon the two were far away from the infirmary, there was comfortable silence between them and the teen quite enjoyed this little walk. But wait..where were they going anyway?

"Uh..Kanan? Where are we going?" The teen asked as he looked up at the man leading him through the halls. As soon as the question was uttered Kanan raised his eyebrow in confusion "We have a mission in a couple of days so I'm going to go pick up the things we are going  to need..? Didn't I tell you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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