A boy Named Ezra part 36

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The ship took off and the doctor left with Ezra...

Kanan's eyes were filled with anger,  fear and concern. But then everything around him started turning into a blur.
Kanan grabbed his head with his arm, with only one of his eyes open.
"Kanan?"Hera was heard, turning  around to face Kanan

Then everything went black in front of Kanan's eyes as he fell to the ground.
"Kanan!!" Hera was heard sreaming his name

Kanan collapsed as Hera kneeled next to him, shaking him and trying to wake him up.
"Kanan, Kanan! Wake up!"Hera said, panic taking over her.
Ashoka came to her with a worried face, Sabine and Zeb were asking what happened.
Ashoka kneeled down and put her hand up, closing her eyes. After a few moments she opened her eyes with horror.
Hera looked at Ashoka and The only thing Ashoka could say was
"He can...die"

They were leaving the planet's atmospherem"Well an Inquisitor will come pick u up at Lothal so we are going there now"The doctor said and set the coordinates as they entered Hyperspace.

Ezra started tossing and turning in his unconscious state as The doctor looked at him.
"Aa i see the serum started working on Kanan, not even I posses the cure for that, good thing I made sure he was gonna die.....guess you can sense it too, the force flow inside him coming to a close"The doctor said

"Ashoka what do you mean?!"Sabine asked, panicked
"The force flow, the thing that makes him alive is wasting away!"Ashoka said
"What do we do?! Is there any type of medicine we can give him to help o-or at least slow it down?!?"Hera asked, her eyes filling with Tears
Ashoka stayed silent for a moment.
"This cant be caused by anything natural, it has to be forced by a serum or other interferences, i havent seen this since the clone wars..but we dont have the meds to slow it down or stop it!"Ashoka said, panicking herself

"W-what do we do then?!Zeb asked
"I..i dont know"Ashoka answered, looking away.

Everything was black around him.
"What..what's going on?". The young boy was scared, he was alone.
Then everything around him shifted to the back of the base.
Ezra looked around and saw Hera and the others. A wide smile shone on Ezra's face as he started running towards them.
"Hera! Guys!"Ezra yelled
But as he came closer, he realised that No one turned around to his calls, and Sabine and Hera were crying, Chopper was standing still, not saying anything, and Zeb was looking down with horror and tears in his eyes, Ashoka as well.
"G-guys?"Ezra started and came closer
"W-why are you-"Ezra couldnt finnish, he saw it. He saw Kanan laying on the ground, unconscious and lifeless just like he was back at the base med-bay.
Ezra started breathing violently, as tears started forming in his eyes. He kneeled down bewteen Hera and Ashoka, looking down at Kanan.
"K-kanan?"Ezra started
"H-hey w-wake up, if y-you ar-re sleepy w-we sh-hould go to the G-ghost, ok-kay?"Ezra said in a shaky tone, trying to wake Kanan up.
There was no response from the older man, he was just laying there...his eyes closed and his body cold. Ezra's eyes widened and more tears were falling. He buried his head into Kanan's chest.
"Kanan! Kanan! P-please, please wake up! dont leave us!,...dont leave me, please....please Dad, DONT DIE!"Ezra screamed.

BACK TO REALITY...(tho what Ezra saw was real, but the crew couldn't see him)
The doctor looked at Ezra again, then he felt the atmosphere change. He looked around and everything was floating in mid air.
"What the.."The doctor started, he turned back to Ezra
Ezra still had his eyes closed in an unstable unconscious state.
"K-kanan"Ezra mumbled
"Please dont die"Ezra said and at that moment The Doctor was pushed away, hitting the wall of the ship.
The black spot on Ezra's body started to spread even more, coming to his face and almost taking over it. The objects that were flying started to shake.

No one knew what to do, everyone was thinking Kanan will die if they dont do something, but what is that something?
Then Ashoka looked up, looking around.
"Ashoka whats wrong?"Zeb asked.
"I feel a very strong scattered force around us"Ashoka said and closed her eyes trying to trace the core of it Then she saw the image of the doctor's ship.
She opened her eyes quickly.
"Its Ezra's life force"Ashoka said as Hera looked up.
And then all the sudden the rocks on the ground started rising up in the air, the whole crew was looking around themselves. Then...Hera felt Kanan move in her arms.
"Guys! Kanan moved!"Hera said with a smile
But Ashoka's eyes were showing more concern and fear.
"If Ezra keeps this up-he'll.."Ashoka started
"What do you mean?"Sabine asked in a shaky voice

"Ezra is giving his own life force to Kanan, stopping the cycle of the force wasting away inside him!"Ashoka said
"Why is that a bad thing? Kanan wont die!"Zeb said
"He wont..but Ezra might!....and with the black mark..who knows what will happen"Ashoka said

"Nothing bad will happen to Ezra, he has us"Kanan's voice was heard
The crew turned to Kanan and he had his eyes open. Everyone's face showed relief and happiness. Hera then hugged Kanan.
"Dont ever scare us like that again!"Hera said
"I promise it wont happen again"Kanan said with a smile
Then hera pulled away from the Hug and slapped Kanan.
"It better not happen again! Or next time im gonna make it leave a mark!"Hera said
"Okay okay"Kanan said with a smile but then his face turned serious as he got up. He was still feeling a bit dizzy and worn out but the adrenalin in him gave enough energy.
"We have no time to waste, we need to go get Ezra. Now!"Kanan said 

"I need to go help my son"Kanan thought

Kanan started running inside the base, to the Ghost, the crew and Ashoka following behind him.

The black spot covered the last piece of tan skin on his forehead, Ezra's face showed signs of pain as he was tossing around. 
Then suddenly.... his skin started returning to normal....but just as if The black spot was just falling behind the skin. At that moment... Ezra opened his eyes. 

One of his eyes was blue...but the other... was a dark purple color.

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