A boy named Ezra part 6

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The crew was already close to the Ghost and started heading towards the ramp. On the ramp a siluhette of a Twi'lek could be seen. The crew approched the ramp, meeting up with the clearly concerned Hera "Is everything alright ?, you're late" she said. Kanan apologised. "Please just come back on time, you're responsible for that" 

"We had some...complications.."Kanan said as Hera looked at him suspiciously but there was a hint of worry in her gesture "What kind of complications?"

Ezra looked down at the questions and Hera quickly noticed. She kneeled down at the boy's height "Ezra, are you okay?". The small boy answered with a nod. Hera looked up at Kanan that was shifting his eyes meaning "not now".Hera understood his gesture and nodded.

"Here are the supplies Hera, Im going to my cabin"Zeb interrupted the silence

"Me too, I'll go paint something" Sabine agreed but Ezra suddenly came closer to her "Hey Sab,can I um paint w-with you?". Sabine was a bit suprised but she guess that Ezra understood that Kanan and Hera needed to speak alone for some time. Sabine answered "Sure !". She was actually loooking forward to spending time with the kid. Ezra and Sabine went inside the Ghost and to her cabin.

"Let's go to the common room" Hera said and Kanan nodded and followed


"Okay what happened out there?"Hera asked as Kanan sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"We met up with one of Ezra's bullies im guessing , He was named Jeff and he threatened to hurt Ezra togather with his gang so we went  to protect him. But Jeff's gang pointed blasters at us. Ezra wanted to protect us so he...he force pushed Jeff and his gang away, as soon as he got up and regained his senses Jeff called Ezra a ''Monster''. That really got to Ezra and he went into pure shock...it terrefied him. I explained to him about what happened and what he did. But he still seems scared of his own power and I...."Kanan stopped there

"You kinda what?"Hera asked with a curious look already knowing where this is going.

"I offered Ezra that I..teach him"Kanan said as Hera smiled him, sitting down."You can do it, you did the right thing"Hera said as Kanan relaxed at her words but there was still the lingering insecurity.

"B-but if I fail, with his potential he could turn to the dark side in seconds and-"Kanan was stopped by Hera hugging him tightly but yet so gently "Kanan you got this, I know that you will be an amazing Teacher". The older man hugged back burying his head into the woman's shoulder, softly saying "Thanks".


Sabine was drawing with her spray paint on one of the fewer empty spots in her room. She found a pretty good portion of the wall that was the same as Ezra's height. The smaller boy seemed very focused on drawing with the orange spray paint Sabine gave him. Curious, Sabine looked over at the boy's drawing and smiled as soon as she saw the child's picture. It was the Lothal sunset. 

"Wow Ezra, thats really good !" Sabine said 

"Well I used to look at s-sunsets on Lothal,I-I just remembered how it looked like and drew it" Ezra said in a shy and soft voice, clearly a bit embaressed. "It's beautiful" Sabine said . As soon as Sabine's response was heard, Ezra felt blush running across his face from the embaressment muttering "T-Thanks". After a few more minutes Ezra yawned pretty loudly, Sabine chuckeled "Well someone is sleepy". "N-no its okay I-I can keep going" Ezra said with his eyes half open. "cmon I'll get you to bed" Sabine said taking Ezra's arm and leading him out of the room. Suprisingly Ezra didnt protest like some other kids would. Sabine was a bit relieved, she was always screaming "No" when it was time to go to bed as a child so this was a nice change. Ezra and Sabine entered Kanan's cabin. Ezra laid down on the bottom bunk. "Good night" Sabine whispered and was about to exit the cabin but Ezra's small voice stopped her "S-Sabine a-are you s-scared...of me..after t-today ?" 

"He's still thinking about it" Sabine thought. She got closer to Ezra kneeling down so she can be at his height. "I would never be afraid of you Ez, so dont worry about anything, rest alright ?" Sabine said softly. "Ez ?" Ezra asked as Sabine chuckeled "Its a nickname". Sabine started heading towards the exit of the cabin with quiet foot steps "Goodnight Ez". "G-Good night Sab" Ezra answered drifting into sleep. Sabine smiled and went out of te cabin.


Hera and Kanan were still there with some tea in front of them on the table when Hera spoke "When are you gonna start training Ezra?" 

"Maybe in 2 weeks,his mind  needs to prepare because the first lesson is always the hardest". Hera nodded in understanding as she looked up to check the time

"Well its getting pretty late I'm off to bed" Hera said getting up.

"Goodnight Hera" Kanan responded in a calm tone,  Hera went outside the common room and to her cabin. After a few more minutes finnishing his tea, Kanan got up and headed to his cabin as well. As soon as the door opened he saw the small boy on the bottom bunk. Kanan knew that he made the right decision. Now he had the responsibility to train Ezra and be his Jedi Master.


Okay so yeahh another chapter done yayy,I know that it is kinda short but the next chapters will be longer.

Padawan girl out.

3 Year editor/author aftermath update:

My fingers hurt. Thats it, hope everyone is doing okay !

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