Vision from the past part 6

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The smaller boy next to Kanan finally woke up but it was not what Kanan expected. Ezra was absolutely out of it, trembling in his Master's arms as he was muttering words the older man couldnt understand. There was just one sentance Kanan heard loud and clear

"They killed me Kanan"

2 days have passed since Ezra woke up. The entire time the boy was barely communicating with anyone, he needed time to recover from what he had seen. He didnt tell Kanan what exactly happened though, Ezra couldnt talk about it. The older man knew his Padawan needed time but it wasnt easy seeing him not being able to function, flinching at every sound made around him. At one instance, Zeb and Chopper were playing around outside the Ghost with the Lasat firing shots from his weapon. As soon as Ezra heard the shots his eyes widened as he covered his ears violently. Luckily Kanan was there to tell Zeb to stop firing immedietly.

Everyone was worried about their youngest crew member they were just hoping that the boy would talk to them soon since this was the third day of Ezra being distant and silent. 


The older man was meditating, he needed to stay calm himself. The worry he held for Ezra was great and especially since he didnt even know what exactly happened, his Padawan refused to talk about it. Kanan just hoped that soon Ezra would tell him about what he had seen. At the same time though, the older man had his suspicions. The names "Grey" and "Styles" were the names of his Master's clone trooper main unit. They were the troopers Caleb grew up with as a Padawan...but they were also the ones that turned againts him and his Master when Order 66 was issued.

Inside of Kanan's head that sentance Ezra said was repeating over and over, haunting him "They killed me Kanan"

As The older Jedi was meditating trying to calm his thoughts, in front of his cabin approching footsteps could be heard.

Kanan opened his eyes as the cabin door shifted open. There stood Ezra with his arms gently wrapped around himself, while avoding Kanan's gaze he muttered "Kanan...can I talk to you ?"

The older man was taken a back, Ezra was actually here and...wanted to talk. Kanan immedietly saw the shifting gaze of his Padawan, he must have been nervous. The older Jedi gestured Ezra to sit down on the bottom bunk next to him. 

As soon as they were both seated down, Kanan noticed Ezra was still avoiding his eyes. It was quiet for a moment untill The Jedi spoke

"What happened Ezra ?"

At that moment, a shiver went up Ezra's back as the memories started flooding in. He sighed deeply trying to regain composure. After a few moments the raven haired boy started

".....I saw it Kanan...Order 66..... I met your Master Depa Billaba and....I met a boy by the name of Caleb...that was you wasnt it ?"

The older man winced when he heard what his Padawan just told him. His worst fears were confirmed...Ezra lived through that chaos and terror.

Kanan nodded at the boy's question saying "....Yes, My real name is Caleb Dume. I had to change it to Kanan Jarrus ever since....Order 66..."

Ezra could feel his breathing starting to become uneven, the memories of all the chaos and the panic he felt started coming back. Images of Master Depa falling down, Grey and Styles pointing their blasters at the Jedi were shown. Ezra's eyes widened as he violently shut them, trying to block it all out. Suddenly a gentle touch broke him out of his trance. As Ezra looked up, he stared straight at Kanan's eyes, noticing it was his arm on the younger boy's shoulder. Kanan's eyes were so gentle and so sincere. They were showing, telling Ezra he wasnt alone. The older man knew exactly how the boy was feeling, he understood what Ezra was going through as he said in a gentle voice

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