Bonds through time part 11

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The brown haired doctor went through the documents and already started making somewhat of a plan on how to approach the boy. She was very quickly informed that Elliott was coming to her office tomorrow morning. She was nervous, since this was one of her first patients ever but she knew that if anyone could help him it would be her.


The young doctor waited in her office with her right leg shaking up and down, she was nervous but tried her best not to show it. There were papers on her desk, the same ones she already read a thousand times, the boy's personal records. But nothing prepared her for the task ahead. 

A sudden whoosh sound caught her attention, making her look up. On the door frame stood Master Windu and a young frail looking blue hair boy. He was looking down, hands wrappd around himself as a form of protection. He didn't say a word or meet the woman's eyes.

"Miss Aliza, this is Elliott Bridger. Your new patient that is." The Master said, slightly nudging Ezra forward. But upon feeling the sudden and unexpected touch the boy greatly flinched, immediately making a distance from him and the Master by pushing him away. His eyes became unfocused, blank, like he was staring at a distance that wasnt anywhere near. He looked terrified and as if he was seeing a monster right in front of him. Master Windu was surprised at the sudden reaction but then sighed and tried to reach out to the boy again. His hand was coming closer and closer and the startled boy's eyes grew wider with fear. But before the man could touch the boy's arm to bring him closer the doctor agressively grabbed Mace Windu's hand, holding it tightly in her grip. 

"Please refrain from touching him so carelessly" The woman said still holding onto the man's arm. The Jedi was surprised at the sudden sharp words from the young doctor. He didnt expect such a thing. After getting his arm released, he stepped back muttering something along the lines of "Of course, you know better I am sorry....I shall leave you to it" The man then calmly walked out of the office. When he was gone, th doctor turned to the boy in the corner of the room who was now on the floor, curled up in a ball while holding his head tightly. Almost as if expecting someome to strike him. The doctor looked at him with shiny eyes, she felt horrible that someone brought such a young teen to this state, but she knew what she had to do. Slowly but surely she started approaching the boy saying in a gentle voice "Its alright, no one is going to hurt you" Finally she came closer to the boy and she knelt down so her eyes meet his. This way he would feel less threatened. 

"Hi" she smiled "I'm Aliza, im here to help you okay ?"

The boy did not look up but it was clear that he could hear her. Upon coming closer to the boy, the woman saw just how much he was shaking as he was also mumbling something that the doctor could not dicepher but all she heard were the words said in a wak voice "Stop" and "Help". Suddenly Elliott looked up at her with frightened eyes...

"You are having a flashback alright ?, stay with me. I'm going to need you to breathe, can you do that for me ?"

He didnt say anything but slightly nodded, the woman smiled and started "Inhale...1...2..3...exhale" "Lets do it again, Inhale...1...2....exhale"

Elliott did as he was told, his shaking body slowly calming down but it was obvious that his mind was still undr great stress.

"Good job little one, now I need you to describe your surroundings okay ? What do you see around you ?"

The young Jedi weakly looked around and suddenly opened his mouth and a weak voice came out "Y-You I see you"

The woman was taken aback but continued "Excellent, what else do you see ?"

"I-I see a table, windows and a d-door, papers and the ceiling" As he said that he slowly started existing the state of being consumed by his thoughts and back into the real world. Soon he stopped shaking completely and his eyes became much more relaxed.

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