A boy named Ezra part 18

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Ezra was heading back to the Ghost, clearly upset and with his head down.


Hera was standing at the ramp with a worried look, she was waiting for the smaller boy. Then she spotted Ezra coming towards the Ghost.

"Ezr-"Hera was about to call out to the boy but noticed that Ezra was looking...not so good. Her concern just became bigger. She quicky got to his side and kneeled down on his height "Hey, Ezra..where were you?, I got really worried". But the smaller boy didnt answer, he just kept his head down not saying a word.

"Ezra?"Hera asked

Then Ezra looked up. Hera winced at the sight of the child's face in front of her. His eyes werent the ''happy, energetic electric blue color''anymore... they were a dull, darker electric blue. Hera didnt know how to react she managed to mutter "W-what happened?, are you okay?"

"I-I...'m.."Ezra started, deciding whether or not to tell Hera the truth or..lie......

"I'm..Okay, nothing happened, I just took a little walk"Ezra said deciding to lie after all. He felt guilty again. "100%?"Hera asked deeply worried

"Yeahh, I-Its okay.."Ezra said and forced his lips to form a small smile. Hera had a feeling it was fake but she was trying to convince herself even that everything was okay.

"Alright then....uh..Dinner will be ready soon...so maybe go take a shower"Hera suggested

"Okay... I'll do that, s-see you"Ezra said and walked pass Hera. As soon he was a few centimetres away Ezra's smile dropped, and one tear started falling from his eye. Hera turned around and looked as the now completely different raven haired boy was entering the Ghost with a worried look.


On his way to the bathroom, holding his clothes in his right arm, Ezra ran into Zeb "Hey kid"

Ezra immedietly snapped from his thoughts and turned his sad expression to a forced happy one "H-Heyy Zeb"Ezra said

"What are you doing? Where were you we were all worried"Zeb asked

"Ohh, t-thanks for the concern but I-I was just taking a w-walk"Ezra answered looking away. Zeb quickly noticed the boy's reaction and tried to brighten the mood "Gotta get that Fitness going?"Zeb asked jokingly. Ezra chuckeled a bit and nodded but  it was clearly a fake laugh, in reality he just wanted to tell the Lasat in front of him that things were going downhill.

"I-I need to go and take a s-shower, see you around.."Ezra said and walked pass Zeb

"Okay, bye kid"Zeb said

Ezra's smile once again dropped.

"WHY do I KEEP lying TO EVERYONE?"Ezra thought. After a few seconds Ezra came to the bathroom.


Ezra started to take his clothes off and looked in the mirror. He saw his face in it, it was dark, and so not like him, but for some reason, Ezra didnt mind it. Then all the sudden he felt pain coming from his arm once again, Ezra took off his jumpsuit  and.... saw that his arm was almost COMPLETELY covered by that black  mark "I need to do something about this...but what?"

Ezra went into the shower, and suddenly just tears started pouring down.

"S-stop Crying."Ezra told himself "STOP CRYING!"

But nothing worked, The tears were still falling down. He felt hopeless and completely worthless. He didnt know what to do or how to process these emotions that were now consuming him.

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