Bonds through time part 6

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Trigger warning !! Mentions of abuse, as well as suicidal thinking

A group of seperatist droids were heard from the outside along with fearful screams of the people. Because of the bomb, smoke was everywhere in the restaurant. Kanan stood in front of the other guests and holding his padawan close to him.

"Ezra are you alright ?!" The Jedi Knight asked as the boy swiftly nodded. Then the smoke quickly cleared up revealing a smaller group of droids that seemed to be disguised as regular objects like trash cans and crates before transforming into fully functional droids. They were preparing to fire as the two Jedi quickly activated their lightsabers, revealing two blue blades. The shooting soon started as the pair deflected them protecting the citizens behind them. Screams were heard from the people with each lightsaber movement the two did. Ezra looked back for a second, seeing a woman curled up in fear, shaking and panicked. Suddenly the Padawan felt sick, dizzy, losing the ability to think. Flashbacks played in his mind like a broken tape. He saw a tall man standing before him calling out to him in an angry voice. The figure was getting closer and closer...

A loose shot was suddenly fired, causing the padawan to deflect it very badly, but that brought him back to reality as he once again had to realise the situation. The boy looked around the room for a second, seeing his Master and dining tables on his right...

the Jedi Knight glanced slightly at Ezra "Cover me for a bit alright ?" The older Jedi smiled at the kid next to him, then suddenly jumping and pushing himself off the ground towards the droids, cutting them in half. He then gestured Ezra to follow him outside. The boy turned to the citizens for a second whispering "It's okay, just stay in here for a while", after that he ran after the Jedi Knight...


The two managed to get outside, being met with quite a chaotic situation. A group of droids on both the left and right were shooting at civilians. Ezra looked at their frightened faces, he understood the fear and terror that was going on around him.

He quickly ran towards the group on the right side, taking out the droids swiftly and in the process protecting the citizens. Kanan understood Ezra's intentions so he turned to the left group of the droids but instead of engaging them, he felt someone using the force from behind him. Soon the droids that Kanan was supposed to fight were lifted up in the air and crashed into the nearby wall, falling to the ground with a big thud.  The Jedi night turned around towards the direction of the signature, he saw Ezra holding his hand up moments before he put it down.

"He did all that so quickly...and without breaking a sweat..?" Kanan thought

But before he could process the boy's actions, another group of droids was coming from behind Ezra. Kanan's felt his stomach drop as a seperatist droid was pointing his blaster directly at his Padawan. The Jedi Knight was about to use all his power to protect the boy.

Then suddenly there was a loud thud and as Kanan looked closer, the dangerous droid was crushed to pieces by an invisible force. The robotic fragments were scattered everywhere..Kanan looked back at Ezra, his arm was halfway lifted up forming a fist. For a moment, The Master was questioning how in the world did this kid reach such a level at this age. Being able to preform such quick and swift movements that require a lot of concentration in a matter of seconds.

The kid then averted his gaze back to Kanan, running closer to him "Kanan are all the droids on your side taken care of ?" The older man quickly snapped back to reality, now staring at the younger boy in front of him "Yes, everything is alright..." he turned around swiftly "I'll contact the Jedi council immedietely."


Kanan was now talking to Anakin's and Kenobi's clone unit that came to back them up and investigate. Ezra was standing on the side, waiting for Kanan to finnish. It seemed like everything had calmed down but the people around them still seemed to be in a panic. There were people and children crying, others were trying to help and some were just curled up in a corner. 

"Must be the first time experiencing a war scenario.." Ezra thought with a sad expression

As the bluenette was standing on the road, crossed arms and in deep thought, a familiar female figure approached him. "Oh !..Hi Ezra !" Ahsoka said cheerfully coming closer to the boy. Ezra seemed to react to her remark but just muttered out a cold "Hi". Then Ahsoka proceeded "How are you ? I see your lunch with your new Master went quite smoothly" she said sarcastically. As expected, the boy had no reaction. Kanan stepped closer to them commenting "Well that's taken care off, quite unexpected but it's alright now. I'm sorry for not being able to have a fully relaxing lunch Ezra"

Suddenly to that Ezra displayed a very unusual reaction by immedietly reacting  to Kanan's presance and approaching the Knight. He usually ignored or gave dry answers to other Jedi but with his new Master it seemed to be different, and Ahsoka as a bystander noticed it. She slightly smiled to herself, seeing Ezra not lost in his thoughts like she's used to him being.

"No Its alright. I had a really nice time Kanan" Ezra managed to say as Kanan added smiling "I'll be sure our next lunch goes by stress free"


Anakin, Obi-wan, Ahsoka, Kanan an Ezra walked in the gentle surrounding which was the Jedi temple. They were standing in a hall with big pillars all around, walking back to their rooms. Anakin and Ahsoka went ahead waving goodbye at the group. As they left, Kenobi turned to Ezra he seemed to be completely alright. Though he was strangely holding onto the side of his stomach that was covered by his robes. Before Obi-Wan can mutter out a word, Kanan spoke first

"Are you okay Ezra ?"

The boy suddenly turned to his Master, immedietely nodding and reassuring that he was completely fine. Though with doubts, Kanan took his word. 

"If you need anything I'm only a short walk away so get some rest alright ?" The Jedi Knight stated calmly at his Padawan. Kenobi was watching the two, slightly smiling feeling somewhat relieved to see Ezra interacting with a Jedi. As Obi-wan excused himself, Kanan soon followed wishing Ezra a good night and telling him to make sure he gets enough sleep. 

The two parted ways untill tomorrow..


"It's weird...I dont see at all why Ezra would be "Hard to manage" or "a lost case" like the previous masters who tried to take him in as a Padawan thought" Kanan was thinking to himself trying to resolve the question and thinking about how the day went..He truly grew fond of Ezra, despite only knowing him for a short while. The kid had issues thats true but as long as there is someone who supports him and listens to him Kanan was sure there could be progress in their relationship


The boy stumbled along the hallways of the Temple, his vision was getting blurry as something red and wet was soaking his robe from the side of his stomach...Despite this he was trying to get to his room as quickly as possible...

When the pale door opened up in front of him, the boy sighed in relief as he felt himself lose balance. He dropped to the floor holding onto his body in pain. As he removed his hand from the spot, dark red liquid was soaking his robes, blood. He had been shot.

As he layed there on the floor he thought about calling for help, for someone to come but somehow convivncing himself that there was no need to bother anyone despite being clearly hurt. He no longer had a good judgement on when he truely needd to ask for help. As always the night came covering his room in darkness. Ezra hated the silence he was left to drown in every night. And when there's silence, the flashbacks begin. Flashes of hits, punches and hurt flooded his mind. The face of his previous Master wasnt visible, covered in a black mist but his presance was there in his mind. The abuse he went through was getting ahold of his mind, showing him memories and images of the person he thought would protect and care for him.

And so, he layed on the floor in pain both physically and mentally and yet still refusing to call for help. Crystal clear tears formed on the corner of his eyes as they slid down his cheeks. He thought to himself..

"I hope this is the end"

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