A boy named Ezra part 14

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The doctor got Kanan to the med-bay as Hera was following them. 


The doctor quickly started to work on Kanan injecting him with a syringe with yellow liquid. Hera was unable to speak, she did not know what to do whatsoever. Kanan was just laying there, lifeless. The doctor that spoke in a worried tone "Miss Syndulla, I am not sure that....I'll be able to save him". Hera felt her entire world crash down. Tears were building up in her eyes and soon they started falling down her cheeks.

"W-What do you mean?" Hera asked in a shaky voice. The doctor sighed "I need you to wait outside the med-bay"

"B-but"Hera started but was interrupted by the Doctor "Please Hera". Hera hesitated for a moment but nodded sadly, taking a deep breath to calm down. She let her gaze fall to Kanan again.

"And don't tell your crew about...Kanan's state at the moment"The doctor said right before she went out.

"I'll try not to.." Hera muttered as she was still looking at Kanan with teary eyes "Please come back to us Kanan"


The door opened revealing Hera. In front of the med-bay were seats and there was the rest of the crew along with the small raven haired boy. As Sabine and Zeb looked up at Hera they immediately knew that things were not good. Sabine let herself start crying silently as Zeb was barely holding in the tears. Chopper was never as quiet as he was now. But when Hera's gaze landed on the small boy, her heart shattered. His eyes were puffy and teary and his expression was dark and full of concern. As soon as Ezra noticed the female Tw'lek he immedietly got up and ran towards her.

"H-Hera w-what's wrong w-w-with K-Kanan?"Ezra asked stuttering more than ever before. This was a clear sign to everyone that the boy was panicking. But Hera wasnt able to bring herself to say anything after she saw everyone. 

"H-Hera??"Ezra asked raising his voice for the first time. Hera looked at the pleading boy in front of her. She couldnt bring herself to tell him the truth.

"Kanan...He..He'll b-be..fine"Hera said and forced a smile but she felt the small boy relax a bit "R-really?"Ezra said with a spark of hope and happiness in his eyes. Hera nodded, holding in her upcoming tears. As Ezra sat back down, wiping the tears that were still coming from his eyes he felt sudden pain coming from his shoulder. It felt like he was being pierced with a hot needle.

"Ouch!"Ezra grabbed his shoulder. Hera immedietly noticed and kneeled down on Ezra's height, she clearly got worried

"N-Nothing I just felt s-sharp pain c-coming from my shoulder all the sudden"Ezra said. Hera got a suspicious look "Let me see" She rolled up Ezra's sleeve and saw like a little black spot on his shoulder that was turning from grey to black again. It seemed like it was..growing bigger and..bigger. Hera's concern spiked. It was clearly visible to Ezra. The small boy felt immediate guilt wash over him so he pulled his sleeve down feeling guilty from taking away attention from Kanan.

"I'll be f-fine Hera, the main focus is now K-K..K-anan"Ezra said as Sabine protested "But Ezra that-" seeing the same thing Hera did . The younger boy felt even more guilt build up inside him

"It's o-okay, really, I'll s-see what I-I can do with it l-later"Ezra looked away

"What do you mean you wil-"Zeb was interrupted by the med-bay door opening, and there was the Doctor with a sad expression "Hera, could we talk in private please?" the doctor asked. Hera nodded as she followed the doctor. When they gained enough distance so the other cant hear they started talking.

"H-How is Kanan?"Hera asked with fear

Suddenly Ezra heard Hera speak "H-How is Kanan?". Through the force...he could hear everything they were saying.

The doctor gave a sad sigh "I am so sorry Hera. B-But Kanan....he..he is in a coma.....and I dont know when will he wake up.."

Hera collapsed on the ground, crying as the doctor helped her stand up again. They were heading back to the rest of the crew. They were in distance that they could hear eachother.

WITH EZRA......(Only Ezra can hear this, not Sabine and Zeb)

"I am so sorrry Hera. B-But Kanan....he..he is in a coma....and I dont know when will he wake up.."The Doctor's voice could be heard

Ezra's eyes widened. Sudden extreme fear and sadness washed over him. He couldnt think straight. The only thing in his mind right now was the word "Coma". Ezra knew exactly what it was, his mother had tought him medical terms when he was younger since  he asked her about it. The word "Coma" alwats terrified him.

"C-c-co-oma.."Ezra said quietly with tears starting to fall, he was trembling. Hera looked at Ezra when she heard a small voice say something. Then she noticed he was trembling all over.

"E-Ezra?"Hera asked, concerned. But Ezra didnt hear her "K-Kanan he-he is in a-a c-co-oma!"Ezra screamed

The doctor's eyes widened "How could he-". Hera knew exactly why. Kanan had told her about the ability to heighten senses through the force. Ezra must have done it unconciously. She quickly ran to Ezra. The two people next to him, Sabine and Zeb were frozen in shock. Hera came to Ezra kneeling down on his height  "E-Ezra, K-Kanan will wake up I-I know it, we just have to stay s-strong untill he w-wakes up"Hera said with tears still running down her face. Ezra still couldnt stop shaking. Then in order to calm him down and confirm to him that its safe she hugged him

"I promise, it's going to be okay"Hera whispered as the small boy hugged back still shaking but a little less.

Then Ezra screamed inside his Mind. "KANAN!!!!"


"KANAN!!!!"Ezra's voice was heard

"....E-Ezra?"Kanan said not being able to say anything else.


Heey guyss. okay sorry for not updating Final exams and SCHOOL great awesome *sigh*, I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm really happy about how it turned out. The next update will be today or tomorrow.Leave down in the comments what do you think :):):)

Padawan girl out.

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