Insecurities part 3

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As Ezra sat in the prison cell, his chest starting to tighten...his eyes slowly started to well up with tears. He thought he couldnt cry here, not now. But the tears just kept appearing. Ezra truely thought that the crew would leave him behind this time. "Why would they even want someone like me ?" was all the teenage boy could think about. It hurt him greatly, what if they really dont come back for him ?

With each passing second, Ezra's heart was shattering into pieces. His mind was telling him things he wished he never heard. It blamed him for everything, it made him out to be a monster which he wasnt but...Ezra still believed his thoughts. He was too exhausted to fight back...

For a few minutes he just sat there on the bench. With his legs pulled to his chest, he refused to cry, to sob so the tears that were appearing just stained his cheeks. But no voice or sound came from  him. 

Then suddenly he realised he had no time to be hurt or to overthink things. He thought no one cared...and if the crew wasnt coming back for him he had to get out of there by himself. Ezra looked around, getting up from the bench. His legs felt heavy but he forced them to move. The more he looked around the more he realised the narrow posibilities of escape. This was a secure cell after all.

But then an idea hit him, since this was a secure cell there would be stormtroopers outside right now guarding him. Ezra came closer to the door as he sighed deeply, doing his best to focus. His mind begged to drift away but the boy was stubborn and made himself focus as he put his hand up towards the door.

"Agent Kallus has ordered for the prisioner to be brought to the command centre"Ezra spoke in a hypnotic voice but nothing happened, the door in front of him wasnt opening. The raven haired boy shut his eyes even tighter, focusing even more as he spoke again "You have orders to bring the prisioner to the Command Centre". This time his voice was more demanding and more clear. After just a few seconds the door in front of Ezra opened, revealing the two stormtroopers. His eyes opened quickly as he smirked a bit. He was quite proud of being able to do the Jedi mind trick. 

Ezra slowly walked up to the stormtroopers but when he was out of his cell he noticed the troopers were following him. A "Tsk" escaped the smaller boy's mouth as he turned to the two men beside him.

"The prisioner can go on his way alone and his weapon needs to be given back to him. Those are the orders" Ezra said putting his hand up

"The prisioner can go on his way alone and his weapon needs to be given back to him. Those are the orders" One of the stormtroopers repeated giving Ezra his lightsaber, and then the two men went back to guarding the empty cell. The teen smiled mischievously as he started running away from the stormtroopers. 

Now alone in the prison block, he had to avoid a few troopers as he ran trying to find the way to the landing platform. His survival instincts have come back, old habits die hard after all. But just as he was about to exit the prison block, he felt something in a cell that he just passed. Ezra turned around facing it

 "Commander Sato...." the boy thought

He stared at the cell for a few moments, but then let out a "tsk" as he ran back to the cell and opened it. Inside were the captured rebels with the commander.

"Young Bridger ?" The commander called out as Ezra looked away saying "You dont have much time, I'll lead you halfway to the landing platform. Take a shuttle and get out of here"

The commander started getting out togather with the rebels "What about you ?" he asked. But Ezra's mind didnt even register the question, he ignored it and kept silent. The raven haired boy turned away and started running with the rest of the rebels. 

Now in the hallways of the Star destroyer heading to the landing platform, they were soon spotted and shooting broke out. Ezra activaded his lightsaber and started deflecting shots back at the imperials, taking them out in seconds "Move !" he yelled at the rest of the rebels as they quickly nodded togather with the commander. They broke through a few smaller blockades with Ezra's help and now they were at the doors of the landing platform. At that moment Ezra stopped and turned to the commander "Here" he said as he handed the man his lightsaber. The commander looked at it in disbelief and confusion "Return it to Kanan...tell him to not come looking for me" Ezra spoke, his voice shaking. He didnt want to do this, he didnt so why...why was he feeling all these things, these negative emotions..he didnt know that he had this many insecurities about the whole thing of joining the crew even after so much time. The commander was about to stop him but Ezra turned away...his legs felt heavy as he started heading in the opposite direction than the commander "Ezra !" The older man screamed but Ezra just kept running away. Again tears were begging to fall from the teen's eyes and this time...Ezra let them. His whole body hurt, shaking, scared and regretful he ran..

Ezra was soon gone from the commnader's sight, turned his back on the commander...turned his back on the crew because he truely believed he didnt deserve to be there standing beside them...

Sato let out hurt sigh and with hesitation and started heading to the landing platform with the shuttle....


He was running through the hallways, force pushing a few stormtroopers out of his way. He didnt even know where he was going...the escape pods..? the command centre ? He didnt know...he was just going...away.

Then a thought hit him "I can take out the new weapon...!". Ezra stopped as he hesitated. He knew that this would put him at risk but if he has a chance...a last chance to do something for the rebellion..for the crew...for Kanan....he would do it. Ezra's direction of movement changed, he knew where the weapon would be so he started running towards it...

After a few minutes, Ezra busted through the doors. Force pushing a few Imperials away in the process. When he came closer to the weapon panting from tiredness, he saw a scared engineer on the ground. Ezra felt bad seeing him, he looked frightened of the teen. The boy sighed and told the engineer with his hand up "Disable the weapon. Make it self destruct in five minutes....and as soon as you are done disabling it get off the star destroyer"

The engineer repeated the boy's commands as he turned to the main computer and stared typing in codes for self destruction. Ezra watched as he was doing it, he wanted to make sure his Jedi trick had worked fully but when the countdown appeared the Jedi knew that it did work. The engineer started running away just like he was ordered to. Ezra soon followed..


The commander started using the lightsaber blaster part to take out stormtroopers as the rebels got closer to the shuttle. Soon they got inside and quickly rushed to the cockpit. The shuttle with the rebels and the commander rose up in the air as it left the landing platform now floating in space. 


"Quickly ! Before they use the gravitiy weapon !" The commander spoke but then another Imperial shuttle came out of hyperspace not too far from them. Sato's com-link started buzzing as soon as the other shuttle came in range "Could it be...?"

"This is Commander Sato in shuttle 12334. Anyone copy ?" the man said and a voice immedietly answered back

"Commander ! Its Kanan Jarrus and Captian Rex here. Looks like you didnt need our help getting out" Kanan said relieved

"It was all thanks to Ezra" The commander answered back

"Is he with you ? " Kanan suddenly asked in worry, he wanted to hear his Padawan's voice but...the commander kept silent and then spoke quietly"No...Kanan Jarrus...I dont know how to tell y-" The man was interrupted by the Empire locking them to pull them in as the ship shook. Both shuttles were now locked and getting pulled in. The rebels inside were desperately trying to get out of the hold "Commander there is nothing we can do !". Panic started rising up in them...

But then suddenly, a blast was heard coming from the inside of the Star destroyer and spread to the outer corners. An explosion...soon causing for the entire ship to be destroyed.  The rebel shuttles got away but just barely as the flaming parts of the ship were scattered all around them. The rebels watched with wide eyes in horror. The commander knew Ezra was still on board....

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