A boy named Ezra 21

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The crew nodded with a worried look.

"Can you get up?"Sabine asked turning to the younger boy on the med-bay bed.

"I t-think so...."Ezra said as he got up, he was standing perfectly fine

"Try to walk ?"Hera added

Ezra started to take the first step, but his legs started to hurt like he was walking on shattered glass. He fell back down on the med-bay bed "Ow..".

"You dont have to walk, Zeb can carry you" Hera said getting closer to the boy but Ezra shook his head "I c-can do it" Ezra said getting up again. After a few other steps the pain was thankfully fading away.

"Yeah I-I can walk"Ezra said with a awkward smile as Hera chuckeled

"But sit down for the time being Okay ?"Hera said 

"Okay"Ezra said and sat down on the med-bay bed. The twi'lek then turned around to the exit saying "I'll be back in 2 minutes"

The crew nodded.


Hera went to Kanan's room, underneath his bed was a secret shelf that requested a code. She typed in the code and the shelf opened revealing another book and a few papers.

Hera took them and came back to the med-bay.


Hera came in and was about to talk.

Sabine put her hand up.

"Lets ignore the 2 minutes of awkwardness that just take place in the med-bay"Sabine said

"okay respect but back to the point"Hera said and countinued 

"These are..Kanan's things"Hera said as she opened the book "He had told me he had the continuation of the book he gave me so.."

Ezra looked down a bit but no one noticed.

Hera was flipping the pages untill she suddenly stopped and started reading

"The cure of the ''illness undentified'' on chapter 16 "The Rare Force illnesses" book is also not known specifically. It can have a different affect on every person. Here are some tips to figure out which one will work for each individual:

-The spot on the body where the blackness started

-The individual's bonds with Jedis

-Past of a certain individual

-A jedi Master(optinal)

-Mind state

-Amount of the connection with the force

-Time passed since the symptoms started appearing

-Traumatic expirience that happened not long ago

These are all things that can have something to do with the disease."Hera said

"Well I guess we should start checking all of those."Sabine said

"Some we can do on the ship but others...we will need help"Hera said

"Okay lets start with stuff that we can do now then"Zeb said

The crew turned to Ezra, Zeb and Sabine grabbed chairs that were in the med-bay and sat on them while Hera sat next to Ezra.

" Ez, I will ask you some questions okay? I want you to answer them as truthfully as possible"Hera said

"O-okay..."Ezra said nervously

"Alright, So the black spot started appearing on your arm exactly where I put the syringe at?"Hera asked as Ezra nodded.

"Okay next, your bonds with Jedis or force sensetives..?"Sabine asked

"U-Um...w-well..uh"Ezra said clearly nervous

"Its okay kid, dont stress it. You can tell us anything"Zeb said as Ezra calmed down a bit.

"Um...well the f-first force sensetive I-I got into contact with was uh...m-my mum"Ezra said

"Your mum was a Jedi?"Sabine asked suprised

"No.. s-she was just force sensetive, she was never trained to be a J-Jedi"Ezra quietly said

"Who else?"Hera asked

"I c-cant remember m-much but. I d-did see a few inquisitors, Ashoka, and uh...K-Kanan..."Ezra felt a cold shiver when he said Kanan's name

The crew nodded at his respnse but then a moment of silence overtook the room. They all knew the next queustion was a hard one

"Um this is a awakward question for you I bet but ...can you tell us a little bit about your past"Zeb asked

Ezra winced.

"U-Um....well a-as you know I lived on the streets f-for 3 years and uh....Im 9 n-now..so"Ezra was interrupted by Sabine

"9? but you look a little bit younger.. I thought you were 7?"Sabine said

"M-My birthday was not t-that long ago...3-4 days before K-Kanan found me but I told him I was 9"Ezra said. Then the crew started thinking and realised...

"Isnt that when Empire day was around?"Zeb asked

Ezra looked up.

"My birthday is on Empire day...."Ezra said while looking away

The crew winced.

Ezra countinued talking ignoring their suprised faces.

"Well uh, b-before I lived on the streets while my parents w-were still with me, I was n-never allowed to play with other kids because my parents were scared of me getting hurt....b-but once I remember  my m-mum took me to the park f-for the first time a few days before they w-were...taken . I wanted to p-play with the kids b-but they didnt want to. T-They were saying mean things to me, you know f-fast kids j-judge. The kid that w-was never outside and had a shy autitude and a w-weird vibe, everyone always picks on that kid."Ezra said in low voice, it was clear he was rlly hurt by their words.

"They said mean things to you?"Hera asked

"Yeah... t-thats why I never went outside a-anymore and figured I'd r-rather play alone"Ezra said

"I'm sorry you had to go through that..."Sabine said

"Its o-okay now though !, I have y-you guys"Ezra said with a smile

The crew smiled back at the younger boy, glad he was with them.

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