Insecurities part 10

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Trigger Warning Violence

The blue haired boy turned his tablet to his Master. Everything seemed like it played out in slow motion, silence overtook the room as Kanan saw what Ezra had written...

"Back on the Imperial ship, I was getting irrational thoughts thinking you guys would leave me and not come to help me. With that I freed myself along with Commander Sato's crew. At the landing platform I left the commander. I was going to leave all of you. Then I ran to the escape pods. There I was ambushed by an Inquisitor, the Seventh Sister. She told me she used the force to manipulate my thoughts and made me think all those bad things. And I fell into her trap, she wanted to kill me right then and there." The tablet showed the text. Kanan was in pure shock, his thoughts racing. Immense guilt started consuming him, he should have been there for Ezra he should have protected him....

The Padawan then turned the tablet back to himself with one swift move, typing on it again to continue the story. The room was silent like it was the dead of night. Kanan just stared in shock, he couldnt process his own emotions..he didnt know what to say. While he was typing, Ezra's gaze got a glimpse of his Master's state. He did not look good at all, wide teary eyes with his mouth open a bit while looking down. The Padawan's concern spiked and he gently reached to Kanan with his arm, softly nudging him. The older man looked up seeing the electric blue eyes staring back at him. Ezra then suddenly smiled slightly, giving Kanan the reassurance that he was now okay. The Master really needed that, it relaxed him a bit untill Ezra turned his tablet towards Kanan again...

 "The Seventh sister beat me up and then started force choking me. I wasnt getting any air and her grip started becoming tigher and tighter untill I felt immense pain coming from my neck, around my throat. She knew I had no way of surviving that. But then the ship shook suddenly from the weapon that started malfunctioning I'm guessing. With that her force choke on me was broken and I managed to get into an escape pod before she caught me again. My pod was floating in space as the ship blew up and the explosion hit me quite hard. Thats the last thing I remember before I woke up here" Ezra's writing showed on the device..

Kanan's blood ran cold as he looked at his padawan. He truely blamed himself for what happed, he was his Master, he was supposed to protect him. Without the older Jedi realising, crystal tears started streaming down his face. At that Ezra panicked opening his mouth to try to speak but just like before...nothing came out. He went ahead and touched Kanan's shoulders making the man look up at the beautiful blue eyes. They were so pure, so sincere. With that look Kanan realised that Ezra knew exactly what his Master was thinking and...the older man realised that someone who blames him for what happened wouldnt look at them with such purity and concern. 

Suddenly Ezra felt himseld being embraced by the other man's arms, hugging him tightly between sobs "I'm so sorry Ezra...I'm so..sorry"

The bluenette was taken a back by Kanan's shaky voice, he held him in such a warm gentle yet tight embrace. Ezra wrapped his arms around the man, hugging him back and burying his head into his shoulder. He wanted to say that it wasnt Kanan's fault, he would give anything to be able to say it but...he knew he couldnt so all he could offer was a reassuring warm embrace. He didnt blame Kanan, he loved him as a father and appriciated everything he did for him. He could never blame the older truely wasnt his fault. But the Padawan knew that the guilt will stay in his Master's mind forever, there was nothing that could erase it. Ezra let the held back tears fall down his cheeks as he hugged Kanan tightly, clinging onto him like a lost child. They sat there togather for a long time, being eachother's shoulder to cry on. 

There was truely nothing more special than the bond they had...

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