Bonds through time part 8

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Kanan didn't sleep all night, his eyes focused on the unconcious Padawn laying on the bed. He held his hand gently, almost as if afraid of breaking him. He looked so weak and fragile that it made Kanan's eyes well up with tears. "How could I have not noticed..." The older Jedi whispered to himself. He shut his eyes, his mind telling him he was a failure of a Master and not to mention this happened on the very first day of him taking in Ezra as his apprentice. Guilt rose in the man's chest, he had no idea what else to say except "I'm so sorry Ezra..."

Suddenly the door of the ICU (intensive care unit) opened, revealing the doctor that showed Kanan the way to his Padawan the night before. She spoke in a subtle voice "Jedi knight Kanan Jarrus, the Jedi council requests your presence" 

A sudden shiver ran down the Jedi's spine, what was gonna happen now ? What was the Jedi council going to do ? Kanan slowly got up, gently letting go of Ezra's hand. He looked back at th boy one last time as his expression showed pain and guilt. He turned to the doctor saying "Please take care of him". The young woman nodded as she led the Jedi outside. 


Kanan was walking through the empty halls wondering what was going to happen next. What was the Jedi council going to say ? The Jedi shook his head as he felt a nervous feeling build up in his chest. He hardly cared about what happened to him, all he cared about is what if his biggest fear comes true...

After a walk that seemed to pass quicker than usual, with a sigh Kanan stepped inside the Jedi council room. He was suddenly surrounded by Jedi masters but he didn't bother to look up, some of their faces were serious while other's showed worry.

"Expecting you, we have been Jedi Knight" Yoda spoke in his usual raspy voice

"Yes Master..." Kanan said gently, looking down at the cold floor. 

"What happened was quite unfortunate Padawan" A female voice pierced through the room. Kanan's gaze shot up, immediately recognising that voice.

"The situation was sudden and you did everything in your power to protect Elliott but -" Depa spoke but was interrupted

"Ezra" Kanan corrected "He prefers to be called Ezra" That was the first time the jedi had talked back or corrected his Master. Depa was also a bit taken a back but continued "Ezra was injured under your watch on the first day he was put into your care. So the council believes that they have made a mistake putting the youth in your hands" said the woman

"Agree with Master Billaba I must" Master Yoda spoke..

Kanan felt like his whole world just dropped down on him, his fear had come true. The fear that they would take Ezra away from him. 

"But Masters please-" Kanan managed to say but was quickly interrupted by Mace Windu "Please do cooporate Kanan Jarrus. Its for everyone's good."

But Kanan wasn't giving up that easily "Please listen to me. I know I have failed in protecting Ezra and I have failed to even notice my mistake...but I care so much about him and want to do better so we can grow and build a connection togather. I know I can do it, I know WE can do it. So please...

Dont take him from me..."

Suddenly the doors of the Jedi council burst open as everyone turned to see who had caused such a loud noise. In the doorway stood a short blue haired boy, dressed in a hospital gown holding the side of his stomach, it was Ezra. 

Kanan's breath stopped for a second as he immeditely ran to his Padawan, asking if he was alright and why was he here, shouldnt he be in bed ?? But to all those questions Ezra simply said "I will not let them lecture you for something that wasn't your fault"

The youth then stepped in front of the Jedi council with Kanan helping him keep his balance. But it almost seemed like Ezra was the one protecting the older Jedi.

"I refuse to learn under any other Master that isn't Kanan" Ezra stated "I will not be removed from his care and I refuse to grow as a Jedi under anyone else. I did not say anything about my injury to Kanan, and I pretended the best I could that I was fine. Not even one of you would have noticed. So you will not blame this whole thing about not protecting me enough on Kanan."

"....I do expect you to believe me this once" Ezra stated

Silence fell over the room as Kanan stared at his Padawan in shock. Where did this determination come from ?? 

Suddenly amidst the shocked faces of the Masters a laugh was heard "Pfftt I told you seprating them wouldnt be that easy" Obi wan stated through a few chuckles "I do believe Ezra is right here. Besides I did warn you that there was no way you wouldn't face some rebellion"

Mace Windu sighed at the scene, landing his hand on his forehead "Your Master has failed you. Why do you persist to defend him ?"

"If anyone failed me in this room, it would be this council" Ezra answered in a dark tone Kanan has never heard from the teen before. The room fell quiet again, everyone knew what the youth was refering to.

"Hmmm interesting this has become" Master Yoda chuckled as well to ease the atmosphere..

"The permission to stay under Kanan Jarrus's care will be granted for you Padawan" Master Yoda said but Mace Windu continued "If such an incident were to happen again, we will be obliged to seperate you forcefully."

"Don't plan on it. It won't happen again." Ezra answered coldly as he turned to walk towards the door, Kanan naturally following him to help him walk. But before exiting, Ezra stated in a threatening tone 

"And do not blame nonsense like this on Kanan ever again"

With that, the two exited the Jedi council room. Another sigh was heard from Mace Windu "Honestly..." He said frustrated. To that Yoda chuckled "Quite rebellious that Padawan is"

"Just like me and Obi-wan said. They are a perfect match."Depa said through a laugh as Obi-wan commented "And yet there you were trying to act all serious when you were against seperating them the entire time"

Depa chuckled at his remark 

"After all, I know what is best for my Padawan and that inculdes the person he wants to protect and guide..."

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