Bonds through time part 7

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Injuries warning !!!


As the Master Jedi was walking through the hallways of the temple with sparkles around him, he felt at ease and thinking that the first day with his first Padawan went great. He was replaying a lot of scenes in his head, thinking about what he should do next and when would they formally start training. 

He was walkling calmly when suddenly a cold air filled the corridor of the temple. Kanan gasped as he clunched his chest. The force was practically screaming at him that something is wrong. 

"What is...? Did something happen in the temple ?"

Kanan closed his eyes focusing on the force. It guided his mind through the hallways to find the source of th disturbed energy. At the end of the vision, the door of his Padawan's room was shown "Ezra ??" The Jedi gasped as he turned away swiftly, running to the boy's room.


Panting for air, the Jedi Master quickly approached his Padawan's door. He knocked several times, calling out to the younger boy  "Ezra, Ezra ! please open the door ! Are you alright ??" no response was heard back. Finally Kanan focused and used the force to automatically open the door and when he did, the scene in front of him shook him to the core...

On the floor of the room, layed a lifeless figure in a pool of blood.

Kanan's eyes widened as time seemed to slow down "Ezra !!" he ran to his Padawan, The Jedi's knees giving out making him fall to the floor in desperation. He took the fragile looking boy in his arms, blood staining his robes. Kanan called out to him again and again "Please wake up !" slightly shaking the boy "Ezra please !" but no response. Clenching to all the strength he had left, the older Jedi managed to get up with Ezra in his hands. Then, he just ran as fast as his legs could take him to the infirmary, he needed to get there right now. The lifeless figure he carried in his arms showed no response, all Kanan could feel was the blood further staining his clothes as it dripped from the Padawan's side on his stomach. 

Finally he reached the infirmary, the doors opening immedietely. Inside there was Ashoka with the doctor, they both looked and fear ran across their faces. At the door way stood a Master so desperatly hanging onto the blood covered Padawan in his arms. 

"Help him, please"

That was all Kanan could mutter out before chaos overcame the infirmary. The doctor running to Ezra taking him away as she called all her personnel. There was screaming, shouting and panic. One sentance Kanan could recognise was "He's been shot !!". He could feel his legs getting weak again but someone caught him before he hit the floor, it was Ahsoka. She was saying something and leading the older Jedi to sit down outside the infirmary but Kanan barely noticed or understood anything she was communicating. It all sounded like a buzzing around him. Somehow Ahsoka got him to sit down on the waiting chairs as she was frantically asking what happened. When the infirmary doors closed, the clicking sound make Kanan snap back into reality. He answered "...I-I dont know...he must have gotten shot at the scene that happened today. But how could i not notice such a wound I-I....". The older Jedi was in such a volnurable state which made Ahsoka worry even more. She quickly contacted Anakin to come there as fast as possible.

As time seemed to pass in slow motion, Kanan sat with his head on his knees. He was trembling all over, his mind racing with thoughts and concern. What was gonna happend to Ezra ? Why didnt he tell him he was injured ? How didn't he notice sooner ? All these thoughts consumed the young man's head. He didn't even notice when the other Jedi Knight approached him.

"Kanan ? "Anakin said quietly making the other man look up

"He's gonna be okay, so there is no need for you to blame yourself" Anakin continued "He is still unconcious but the doctor thinks he will wake up in a few days maximum"

Kanan looked at him puzzled, how much time has passed ? How long was he consumed by his thoughts...But that wasn't important to him right now. All he heard was that Ezra was alright and that he would live. The man let out a long sigh of relied as his trembling slowly subsided.

"Thank you Anakin"Kanan said in a gentle voice "May i see Ezra ?"

The other Jedi nodded giving Kanan his signal to get up and start walking inside the infirmary....


There was a few nurses around working on a few things and settling down. The doctor sat on a chair with a table opposite from the beds that were on the left side.

"Oh...Kanan"The doctor said getting up, she looked very serious as she spoke "Follow me"

The female figure took Kanan to a side room which was the intensive care unit. As they entered the large room, dimly lit there was a figure laying on the medical bed. Ezra was hooked on oxygen and an infusion in his arm. His wound was bandaged up nicely and he seemed to be peacefully sleeping. Kanan felt like someone hit him in the chest, he knew that his Padawan was going to be okay but seeing him in that state was very hard for the older Jedi. He kept silent, taking a chair to sit next to the boy's bed. The man looked at him with gentle eyes, no words were needed to express how he felt. Slowly and quietly the doctor left the two alone. Kanan gently took Ezra's hand, holding it close.

"I'm sorry Ezra. I...I will make sure this never happens again" Kanan said as his eyes sparkled with tears 

"You're gonna be alright, I'm here now.."

The older Jedi stayed with his Padawan untill morning hours, keeping him safe and sound. But he knew he will have to face the Jedi council as soon as the first rays of sunlight show themselves in the room....

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