Insecurities part 4

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(Slight injury warning) 

The Star Destroyer was falling down in pieces, parts of it scattered everywhere and floating. It truely looked like a ship graveyard. Commander Sato looked at the scene in horror, his breathing becoming uneven....The child of the Ghost was still on was possible he just saw the death Of Ezra Bridger.

A buzzing sound broke Sato out of his trance as he looked down at the com-link in his hand.

"Commander " Kanan spoke in a serious voice "Where is Ezra"

The man shivered at the question as he brought the com-link up to his face "Kanan...he..he was on the ship"


Silence consumed the atmopshere on both ends, no one dared to say a word. The air was tight and the only sound that was heard was the quiet rumbuling of the ship's engines. No one knew what to say, what to do. A child just lost his life...


"Kanan...he...he was on the ship" The commander's words were heard, echoing through the room.

The Jedi's hands started trembling with the com-link while Rex was just staring down at Kanan with wide eyes. With his hands shaking, Kanan lost himself...A wave of emotions hit him, he couldnt cry, he couldnt speak. He was stuck in a trance of pure shock...and he knew that what the commander said was true...he felt Ezra's force signature start disappearing...His eyes were wide staring down, not being able to move from the com-link. He...he just lost his Padawan...someone he thought of as a son. A new emotion became present...guilt. Ezra took this mission because he wanted to avoid Kanan. "If I only kept my mouth shut" Kanan thought as a shiver ran through him. To him the world just crashed down...he felt like he lost everything...

"Commander over there !" A sudden male voice was heard from the other end of the com-link where Sato was at.

Kanan's gaze shot up and in front of the distance close to the Commander's shuttle...a damaged escape pod could be seen..


"Get that escape pod on board now !" The commander screamed as he pointed at it, his voice trembled not in fear but in hope...maybe..just maybe the Padawan would be in it.

The Imperial shuttle came closer to the small object floating in space. It was quite beaten up, probably from the impact. There were dents everywhere and a few places letting smoke out. They had to check it quickly before it blew up. The rebel shuttle with Sato attached the escape pod and immedietly the commander ran to it. While running, panting his heart out, emotions consumed the older man..he was hoping so hard that the raven haired boy was inside that escape pod. Sato's legs felt heavy but he continued running and finally came to the escape pod....

In seconds he was at the entrance as he basically stormed inside...

 His heart beat fast at the sight..and his eyes sprakled at the unconscious figure leaned on the chair.  Sato ran towards it and picked up the raven haired boy's body gently. He looked him over as he desperatley called out "Bridger..?"...."...Ezra !"

The boy did not look good whatsoever, there was a stream of blood on his face, running across his forehead and cheek. He had obviously hit his head hard. The rest of his body was scratched and his clothes were dirty with black spots, probably from the explosion. As the commander looked closer, it seemed like his arm was a little bend in the wrong way too, something was clearly broken. Sato bent down and checked his heart beat in a panic since his breathing was dying out and weak. After a few moments a quiet and soft heart beat could be heard. Ezra was alive.

The injured boy's expression seemed to be relaxed though, he was completely out of it which was at the same time good and bad. With the Padawan in his arms and a trembling hand the commander picked up his com-link saying "Ezra was in the e-escape pod..he's alive but badly hurt"

......When Kanan heard those words, his eyes finally welled up with tears as he put a hand over his mouth to hide his sobs. He was feeling helpless, relieved and guilty all at the same time. Through his sobs he managed to say a few sentances "How bad is it ??" "Is he going to be okay ?!" "We need to bring him back to the command ship right now !"

"We'll get him there, Kanan. I'll meet you at the command ship. And stay in the shuttle, I know how much you want to see Ezra but the priority is to get him help" The commander spoke, picking the fragile figure up bridal style gently, like the boy was made out of glass.

"..Take care of him please." Kanan spoke in a pleading voice from the com-link

"Dont worry, he will be okay.. "Commander Sato said softly, his voice was so sincere and full of hope. After that he turned off his com-link, getting out of the escape pod quickly with Ezra in his arms...

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