Bonds through time part 11

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The morning light washed over the plain white hospital bed where a boy sitting up could be seen. He had a smile on his face as he looked down, there was a sleeping Jedi Knight on the edge of his bed. 

"Kanan must have been very tired" Ezra thought

The Padawan looked around the space, morning light had already crept in consuming the room. It was pleasant, nice and warm just like Kanan. The boy then looked down with a sigh, remembering the nightmare from before. Chills ran down his spine at the image of the scene. Suddenly his right wrist started to tingle, almost as if reminding him of what was hidden behind his sleeve. 

"It never fully healed huh.." Ezra said as he pulled up the piece of cloth, revealing his bare and scarred arm. It was a long scar clearly caused by something hot, a lightsaber. Even after almost 2 years the wound still felt fresh. The skin may have healed but the scar left inside of him would not. He resented Lucious, he resented him with all his might. Hoping that he was somewhere dying in a ditch, and yet even that seemed too good for him. Ezra was angry at him , swearing that if he ever saw him he would give him a scar to match. But he knew deep down in his heart, that he was still afraid of the man he once called Master.

Suddenly the Padawan felt shifting next to him, Kanan was waking up. Soon he was met with those sparkling green eyes that seemed to shine as the light reflected through them. It was the first time Ezra noticed it, just how gentle the older Jedi's eyes were. The green colour seemed to calm whatever storm was raging inside of the Padawan. 

"O-Oh you are awake, good morning Ezra" Kanan said calmly, sittting up from the bed's edge. "Are you alright ?" he continued in a worried tone. His Padawan stared at him with surprise but then chuckled to himself "I am, I'm feeling much better. Thank you Kanan"

Suddenly the doors of the ICU opened, revealing a different female doctor in a pure white robe, she had long brown hair and beautiful grey eyes "How are you feeling Ezra ?"

The boy looked her way as he said "I'm alright, the wound wasn't even that bad" he crossed his arms as he looked away. These two had some history, Kanan taught but then he saw the doctor's pin on her coat "Aliza Silver, Psychology Department"

"So she's Ezra's psychologist..."

The female figure crept closer as Ezra remaind with his pouty look "What are you doing here ?" he said.

"Isn't a doctor allowed to visit her patient after his reckless behaviour ?" The woman formed a questioning and smug look. Though She seemed to really care about how the boy felt and understand him but at the same time worry sparked within her, she even seemed to be a bit mad at him for his actions.

"I already told you I'm alright.."The boy looked her straight in the eyes

"The only person you are truely lying to is yourself" The doctor immedietely said as Ezra winced in surprise. Then the female's eyes wandered off to the man beside the bed "You must be Kanan?" The older Jedi looked around with a few uhhhs and umms escapin his lips untill he finally confirmed his identity with a single yes. "I see" The woman continued "Ezra, do you want to talk to me alone or with Kanan present" Her words seemed to turn quite serious in an instant, but the older Jedi was glad to hear her ask about what Ezra wanted to do. After a couple of moments, The Padawan answered in a shaky voice "Alone"

Kanan didnt want to lie to himself, he was a bit hurt by that but then figured why on earth would Ezra want to talk about his personal stuff not even 2 full days after meeting his new Master. The man nodded at Ezra's response, he got up from his chair and as he was going out of the room he said "If you need anything I won't be far" he smiled warmly as the Padawan's look softened in a gentle nod.

Now that the two were alone, The doctor looked at Ezra and asked "How have you been feeling lately ?"

"Fine" These dry answers were nothing the woman wasn't used to by now, the boy had always answered like this since the day they met 2 years ago...


In a brand new office, covered in the colour white sat a beautiful woman, no older than 25. She was focused on reading some papers at her desk. Registration papers, she was a newly appointed psychologist and the first one ever at a Jedi temple. The woman was deep in thought when suddenly the doors of her office swung open, there stood Master Mace Windu and Master Yoda. The young female jumped to her feet, bowing down and she said "Welcome Masters, how may I be of assistance ?" There was clear nervousness in those words, She just graduated and got her psychology degree after all ! Who knew she would end up working at a Jedi temple as the first and only psychologist. And the only way someone like her would have gotten accepted to work here is if they had something special, lucky for her that is exactly what she had. Upon meeting Master Yoda on her first visit to the temple she was hired. Apparently the small alien deemed her worthy of working here. But thats enough dwelling in her thoughts. she looked at the Masters with a puzzling look, they both looked very worried.

"Miss Aliza, there was an incident inside the Jedi order and we need your help" Master Windu said with a heavy heart, that immedietely alarmed the young woman "What happened masters?"

"In need of your help, a Padawan is" Yoda spoke in his raspy voice "Abused by his Master he was"

When those words left the short alien's mouth, Aliza was even more worried "Where is the Padawan, Has the abuser been dealt with ?"

"The abuser was Jedi Master Lucious, he has been expelled from the Jedi order immediately after the truth came to light. He abused his apprentice mercilessly, both phsyically and mentally." Mace Windu said with a sigh, frustrated with himself for not noticing something was wrong earlier, many other Masters shared this feeling as well. The young woman didnt have anything to say, how could such a thing happen right in front of their noses ?? In a Jedi temple no less. She was gravely worried about the Padawan so she asked "What do you need me to do ?"

"From now on, ask you to take care of him we want"Master Yoda spoke, usually he was quite calm but now he seemed very serious and disturbed. No wonder, that Master Lucious did so many horrible things and yet no one noticed untill it was too late.

"We shall bring the Padawan for a psychological evaluation tomorrow" Master Windu said as he handed her some documents about the Padawan, the woman nodded in understanding. Very soon the two Masters left the room leaving her alone. She thought to herself, how could anyone hurt their own apprentice. A Jedi Master is the most important role in a young Jedi's life, they teach them about life, they experince the world for the first time with them so how could anyone take advantage of that for their of sadistic and messed up actions ? The young doctor sighed, she slumped in her chair and took the documents the Master gave to her. She flipped though the papers and saw the apprentice's profile, it said:

Name: Elliott bridger

Parents: Mira Bridger and Ephraim Bridger

ID number: 77632585032

Date and place of Birth: 3258 LY, Lothal


Elliott Bridger was brought to the Jedi council at age 5, he was formally accepted into the Jedi temple just 2 days after arriving. His IQ stood at 160, midichlorian count at 16,000 per cell. Assigned under Jedi Master Lucious.

Aliza cringed at the name of the boy's abuser, a disgusting person like him didn't even deserve a name. He was a monster and the woman was so happy he was far away from the boy he hurt. But she couldnt imagine just how traumtised and hurt Elliott was, but she was was ready to do her best to help him as much as she can.

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