Vision from the past part 3

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With the two Jedi and the clone troopers, Ezra walked in their ship that was nearby. He could see a number of seats on both sides close to the ramp and as they walked inside more, there was a bigger room with a circular table in the middle. There were another few pairs of chairs at each end. And from what Ezra could see there was a another door leading to another room in the middle, the cockpit. All in all it was pretty simple and comfortable.

Depa walked to the circular table and turned on a hologram...showing Master Yoda togather with Master Mace Windu. Ezra recognised master Yoda but not the man next to him.

"Master Yoda, Master Windu. We are currenlty on Kaller and eliminated the main attacking group of the droid army. I presume there will be one more major attack tomorrow" Depa spoke as Ezra stood behind her, trying to mask his presance. Caleb noticed the other boy's behavior as he whispered to him with a wink"Dont worry".

"Indeed, on your guard you should stay" Yoda spoke as Depa nodded "We shall clear this area once more, then other Republic forces may come"

"Understood, see you soon and keep us updated on your situation" Mace Windu spoke. "Yes Master" Depa answered as the hologam turned off.

She then turned to the two boys behind her "You both did well today" she said and smiled.

"Thank you Master" Caleb spoke as Ezra followed his lead "T-Thank you" 

She nodded and proceeded to go make plans with the clone troopers for the next attack, leaving the two Padawans with some free time.

"So then...wanna go outside ?" Caleb asked turning to Ezra. The raven haired boy hesitated for a moment but he truely wanted to get to know teenage Kanan more.

"Yeah..sure !" Ezra answered cheerfully as the two headed towards the ramp and the outside. When they got out they sat on the ground close to the ship. In front of them was the distant view of the rest of the planet.

There was a short silence untill Caleb noticed Ezra's lightsaber on his belt

"Cool lightsaber, I never saw anything like it !" 

Ezra turned to him getting a bit embaressed "Thanks...Yours comes in two parts right ? "

"Yeah !, I got the idea from a mission we were on back when i was still building my lightsaber. Appreantly there were no Jedi allowed in that place and they recognised my Master's lightsaber right away so they attacked us. From that I got the idea to make my lightsaber come in two parts so that it isnt easily recognizable" Caleb answered back. Ezra was listening to every word he said and was very focused at everything the other boy was saying in general. He was always curious about Kanan's past and now he had the chance to know more.

"That is really smart thinking" Ezra said, knowing the fact that, that idea will help Kanan later on.

"What about yours ? What inspired you to make your lightsaber ?" Caleb asked pointing at Ezra's lightsaber on his belt

"Well.." Ezra started as he took the lightsaber from his belt and fired a shot with the blaster part

"wow ! Its also a blaster ??" Caleb commented in amazment "That is some out of the box thinking"

"Well I couldnt really activate my lightsaber all the time..You- I mean my Master would always tell me that I save the lightsaber part for emergencies"  Ezra said as he put his lightsaber back on his belt.

There was a short silence again untill Caleb spoke "You know honestly seem like you came from a different time"

Ezra winced, what gave it away ? He did his best to "Fit in" with all this so he got a little panicked. Caleb obviously noticed his reaction to what he said so he immedietly started explaining

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