Vison from the past part 4

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Ezra felt himself being gently nudged and stirred awake. His eyes opened as the morning light hit his face. Above him stood Depa with a gentle smile saying "We need to be prepared for the next droid attack, cant sleep in Ezra". 

Ezra blinked a few times muttering "Okay" And "Good morning" as Depa stirred awake the brown haired boy next to him. Caleb woke up way quicker than Ezra though, he was fully awake in seconds.

"Good morning Ezra !" Caleb said cheerfully as the raven haired boy answered back "Good morning to you too.."

"Well Kanan is a morning person after all..." Ezra thought

The raven haired boy then looked around, he noticed Grey and Styles in the distance, probably keeping guard. The two boys got up and went to the ship to get washed up and ready for the day as quickly as possible.

Very soon, Ezra and Caleb were standing next to Grey and Styles keeping watch. Both fully awake by now.

"When are the droids gonna attack ?" Ezra asked as Grey answered "We do not know exactly, but it is best we stay on our guard".

Depa walked into the ship to report the current situation to the Jedi order. Outside, the atmosphere was quiet...but it also felt intense to Ezra. He had a bad feeling about today, he didnt know what it was like his instincts were suddenly telling him to run as far away as he could. 

It was weird but Ezra shrugged it off, thinking he was just a bit nervous for the upcoming battle.

Suddenly Depa walked out of the ship saying "The final attack of the droid army is coming our way. The rest of the soldiers in my command will be coming shortly. This battle will determine if we have secured Kaller"

Caleb nodded towards his Master but Ezra asked "How many will there be ?".

"A lot, make sure you do your best boys" Styles said turning to the two padawans.

They both nodded in agreement but looked at eachother for a second. After a few moments Ezra noticed Caleb was a bit tense.

"You scared ?" Ezra asked teasing the brown haired boy

"N-No ! Of course not. I mean yes I would rather be relaxing somewhere but duty calls." Caleb answered as confidently as he could

"The kid's gettin responsible I see" Styles commented continuing to tease the boy with a chuckle

Ezra just looked at Caleb's pouting while Styles was confidently teasing the Padawan. They were obviously close. Not to mention the soft smile Grey gave at the whole thing.

Suddenly two republic ships were seen landing nearby. From it came around 20 clone troopers. They were running to General Depa Billaba.

"General, how can we be of assistance ?" One of the clone troopers asked as Depa nodded with a smile saying "The main attacking wave of the droid army will be here shortly, we shall meet them halfway. From then on, we eliminate them and secure Kaller"

The clone troopers all said "Copy that General" as they, togather with Depa, walked towards Styles and Grey exchanging greetings. Ezra was a little taken a back by the sudden increase of clone troopers but he didnt mind it. He was awfully curious, staring at each and every one of them.

One of the new clone troopers noticed Ezra, saying gently "Hello, I dont recognise you ? Are you with the general's forces too ?"

Ezra was a little shocked that the clone trooper talked to him but he quickly answered "Y-Yes, I got separated from my master a while back so"

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