Vision from the past part 2

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Ezra just stood there in shock. How did he get here all the sudden ? This all seemed so real to the point it couldnt be a regular vision. He was actually a "Character" in it. To say the least Ezra was a bit freaked out but then his eyes suddenly averted to the object on his belt. 

"My lightsaber ??" Ezra thought picking it up "How did it get here....with me ?"

But his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden increase in shooting noises. Still in hiding, Ezra noticed more droids coming towards the two Jedi and the clone troopers. The smaller Jedi boy, the woman's padawan Ezra belived was clearly having trouble with the overwhelming situation. And then in a flash Ezra noticed a shot fired straight at the other boy. Ezra's mind went blank as he stepped out of his hiding spot while activating his lightsaber. He came to the boy just in time to deflect the deadly shot and protect him. And there he was, offically joined in the situation. The woman looked back at the two boys behind her as she raised an eyebrow but continued to deflect shots. 

"T-Thanks" The boy behind Ezra muttered. 

"No problem...anytime" Ezra said as quickly and naturally as he could. But this kid...he seemed so familiar. His face and...eyes. Emerald green eyes...they reminded him of someone. 

Then it hit him.

"Kanan ?" Ezra asked looking back for a moment when the shots slowed down. The other boy turned to him in confusion. But suddenly the shots from the droids got intense again making Ezra's attention go back to the actual fight. The clone troopers behind them were hiding behind a few rocks while shooting back at the droids.

Ezra recklessly as always stepped closer to the droids, now being in line with the female Jedi. She noticed the boy's advances.

"Your deflects are a bit off, Padawan ?" The female asked Ezra if he was an apprentice of someone

"Y-Yeah" Ezra said a little offended at her first comment but He shrugged it off quickly then asked "Are you going to jump in and destroy them ?"

"Waiting for an opening" The female said and then suddenly shouted " There !"

The woman rushed to the droid group destroying the first 5 in one swift move. It was clear she was skilled with a lightsaber. Suddenly the boy Ezra had protected from before appeared behind the woman destroying the other 2. And the Woman finnished off the 4 behind them.

"Wow..." Ezra thought

The boy and the female deactivated their lightsabers. Then they looked towards Ezra, seeming very curious. The woman looked towards Ezra's still activated lightsaber, the raven haired boy noticed and awkwardly deactivated it and put it back on his belt.

The two figures in front of Ezra walked closer to him. By this point the raven haired boy was completely freaked out, he never truely interacted someone in a.. vision ? before. 

"I'm Master Depa Billaba" The woman said and then gestured to the brown haired boy next to her "This is my apprentice Caleb Dume"(Ezra doesnt know abt Kanan's real name here)

Ezra took a moment to answer but said "I'm..Ezra Bridger". He didnt feel threatened whatsoever and it is way easier to use his real name...besides this was just a vision....right ?

"Nice to meet you Ezra" The brown haired boy said with a warm smile while stepping closer. He put his hand out as a welcoming gesture towards Ezra.

The raven haired boy shook Caleb's hand as he said "..Nice to meet you too..". The boy by the name of Caleb Dume seemed even more like Kanan up close. The voice was basically the same just a bit higher. He looked to be a little taller than Ezra too. But the smile...the smile was identical.

"Is this...really teenage Kanan ?" Ezra thought

Suddenly Depa came up to the raven haired boy and asked "Are you lost ? I wasnt informed of anyone else coming here. Is everything alright ?"

Ezra was honestly taken a back by her worried expression. She was clearly very kind. But then he realised he doesnt have a story, he couldnt say oh well I just popped in here you know from the future. What was he supposed to answer back ? A glimmer of panic sparked within him but thanks to a lot of experience in lying he got his story in seconds.

"I crashed here. The ship blew up but I was able to get out" Ezra answered as smoothly as he could

"Who is your Master ?, Was he with you ?" Depa asked as the clone troopers were getting some signal in the backround.

And another wave of panic sparked within Ezra. If he was right his Master was standing right here as a teenage boy. He knew no one could confirm his story if he lied...but perhaps if the name Kanan Jarrus is unfamiliar...

"My Master is...K-Kanan Jarrus" Ezra said with clear nervousness in his voice. Clearly on edge, waiting for the answer from the woman

"I havent heard of that Jedi Master...perhaps he just got the title recently, right ?" Depa asked as Ezra quickly responded going with her story "Yes ! But we got seperated during the crash and I'm not sure where he is" the raven haired boy said to avoid more questions.

Depa nodded in understanding with a soft smile "Dont worry, we'll find him"

Suddenly a clone trooper came up to the woman saying "There is a call for you back at the ship Commander". Depa nodded and gestured the two Padawans behind her to follow. Caleb nodded but Ezra didnt know exactly what to do and The other boy had noticed it. He came back, stepping closer to Ezra and saying "Well untill we find your Master you might as well stick with us so come on !". He gestured Ezra to go with them. The raven haired boy stood there for a few seconds but decided that this was the best course of action so he started walking towards Caleb and Depa, accompanied by Clone troopers..


It was already morning and quite late too. The crew was in the common room but Ezra wasnt with them.

"Is the kid seriously still sleeping ?" Zeb asked annoyed 

"Well he did look extra TIRED yesterday" Sabine spoke, clearly stating a point, crossing her arms and looking at Kanan. She was a little mad at him for picking pointless fights with the younger boy. Sabine knew that Kanan himself was stressed but that was no reason to lash out at his Padawan.

"It is quite late....I'll go check on Ez-" Kanan couldnt finnish, he felt the force trying to tell him something, his senses heightened as The room suddenly seemed to be in a daze from the energy......coming from Ezra.

Kanan immedietly stood up, running towards the boy's cabin. The closer he got the more intense the force waves got. In front of the cabin, Kanan could only see the door. The energy had made his mind focus on only that. This was not normal, something was happening with his Padawan. Kanan burst into the room, quickly noticing the raven haired boy on the bunk. He looked to be sleeping with his back turned to Kanan but he wasnt moving whatsoever, not reacting to Kanan's violent entry into the cabin...and his breathing was very slow and uneven. The older man got closer in a matter of seconds calling out "Ezra !".

He touched the boy's shoulder, there was heat radiating even through his clothes. Thats when Kanan noticed the sweat on the younger boy's forehead as he touched Ezra's cheeks checking the body temperature....Ezra was burning up with a fever and a bad one but...he wasnt waking up. Not even a slight movement, almost like he was in a coma. The rest of the crew rushed to the cabin and when they got there they could feel the concern coming from Kanan. Hera quickly came to Kanan's side.

"Whats going ??" Hera asked panicked, noticing the symptoms of a fever in Ezra.

Kanan was silent for a few moments. He was clearly confused but as he looked closer and observed the hit him.

"A Force's a variation of a vision.. the difference is really exist inside the vision" Kanan answered

"How do we wake him up ??" Sabine asked from in front of the cabin. 

"We are outsiders at the moment...we cant wake him up." Kanan said literally panicking over his own words as he continued

"Ezra is stuck there"

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