[40:] Jailbreak Part 2

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Dylan O'Brien = Logan

Logan's P.O.V.

I know, I look like the bad guy.

I feel like the bad guy.

During my time here, I've drowned in my own guilt. I feel beyond remorseful for what I did.

I had another nightmare last night about Ethan again. But I can't scream awake, others will judge me. Just like Ethan, many of the inmates are strong, while I am on the weaker side. But what they're not is smart. I've met some of the dumbest criminals here. Robbing a store with no mask on. I mean, who does that?

A total of fifty of us are tired of this lifestyle. There's more people in here, but fifty of us are willing to do whatever it is to escape.

If I go to trial an am found guilty, I may spend seven years to life in prison. I'm seventeen now, and murdered my best friend when I was sixteen. For all I know, I may be charged as an adult.

And that scares me.

A guy named Dex came up with the plan to escape. I joined him.

Over the past few months, we've slowly but surely dug up a tunnel underground that leads to outside. We used whatever tools we could find be made sure we wouldn't get caught. Outside is where fresh air and freedom is.

I know, the idea sounds crazy. But isn't that what we all are?

Over the past two years, I have gotten to know the officers and other workers here. The lunchlady is named Rosalyn and some of the older inmates like to flirt with her. I'd say she's in her early forties. Much too old for me.

After lunch---which was disgusting by the way; I think the punishment for a crime should not be to be locked up, it's torture enough having to eat this food. Anyways, after lunch, before leaving the tables, we discussed our way to escape.

It'll be at night, of course. 

When the officer isn't looking, we plan on sneaking through the tunnel that leads to the outside.

But we still have a couple of hours left to go.

I talk to this girl named Cassidy who is in here because she robbed a gas station or something. She said she needed money to take care of her knew kid. She also said she lost her job.

She's in her late twenties, I believe.

“What'll be the first thing you do when we. . .you know, do that thing?” Her voice was just above a whisper, but I already knew what “that thing,” is, she's talking about our escape.

“Probably see my girlfriend. . .if that's even what she thinks of me anymore.”

She sighed. “Young love.”

“I miss her,” I think aloud.

“What's her name?” Cassidy sounded like she was actually listening. It was almost like she actually cared.

“Crystal.” I smile. “Haven't seen her in almost two years. We met at that hospital I told you about.”

“The mental hospital?”

“That's the one.” I tell her. “She's sixteen now. . .” I wonder how she's been coping with this. She probably got a boyfriend or something.

No! Don't think that, I mentally tell myself. She told me that she loved me. I don't think she'd betray me like Melissa did. And we all know the consequences of that.

“Tell me about her,” Cassidy said. “I'm so bored here.”

“You sure you want to know?”

She nodded. “I'm sure. Go on.”


I ended up telling her everything about Crystal. I think two years to hold something in is long enough.

Cassidy wasn't afraid to show her feelings, either. She said “aww,” a lot and smiled frequently.

I told her about why I was at the hospital and how I acted sneaky just to be able to see Crystal. Because at those kind of places, boys and girls do not mix.

We would hide in closets and supply rooms just to be able to speak to each other. But trust me, it was hard to do just that. It's hard to get away with anything there.

“You'll get to see her soon.”

“And you'll get to see your kid again. Just wondering, who's taking care of her now?” I ask.

“My sister.”

I nodded in response.


It's time.

After the last disgusting dinner---thank God---we were ready.

The fifty of us, one by one, went through the tunnel and I noticed them reach freedom through a window.

I escaped somewhere in the middle of it all.

It took weeks to construct the tunnel, but it only took minutes to go through it.

I walked quickly, and once my feet touched the wet grass, I ran.

Except, there's a fence made of barbed wire.

Two others already escaped and are heading in my path.

There was no choice, I had to climb the sharp fence.

It didn't help that it was raining.

My feet slipped a few times. Damn shoes.

Once climbed to the top and touched the sharp spikes, I clamped my mouth shut to control the scream rising in my throat.

My hands instantly bled and I earned many scrapes.

But once I swung my leg over the fence, I didn't bother slowly climbing down.

I jumped feet first. And my ankles paid for it big time.

I limped a little but I did it.

I'm free.

And the next thing to do is. . .


I'm always up for suggestions!

About 60 chapters to go! :)

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