[59:] Conan

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Jen's P.O.V.

The doctor's lips curled into a smile. "A girl," she said. "You're having a girl!"

It took a moment for it to sink in, but when it did, I felt complete joy and happiness.

But on the outside, I was speechless.

My mind was racing, thinking of a million things at once. Simple things like: what would we name her? I can't wait to tell our families, to what her room would look like once it was fully decorated.

I couldn't believe this was real, this is actually happening.

Minutes later we left, ready to tell the others the exciting news, also having to prepare for an interview with late night show host, Conan O'Brien.


Conan O'Brien announced: "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part two hits theaters November twenty-second... Please welcome Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth!"

From backstage I could hear a loud roar of applause. The three of us walked out when the doors opened, and we all smiled and waved.

Conan hugged each of us.

Once the applause died down, Conan began talking about how he hosted one of the panels at Comic Con, and how the Hunger Games fan base has become incredible.

"I know!" I happily agree.

". . . Here's the thing, it has become international. Every country or place you went to has become out of hand. Is there one country you visited and you thought: this is too much?"

I thought about it for a moment, then said, "Spaniards and Italians are very passionate."

Josh spoke next. "Yeah, when we went to Rome, they had miltiary police with full-on machine guns with barriers holding back twelve-year old Italians---"

I interrupted by stating that, "I don't think we'd ever, ever shoot our fans."

Josh continued. "Yeah, no, never. Don't worry . . . And there was one point when we were almost finished and I looked back and I saw a barricade fall over"---he lowered himself to show everyone of the barricade falling over---"and my mind just flashed to a horde of Italian Hunger Games fans sprinting at us."

Liam then said, "It was the first time where I've really seen like an actual wave of people coming at me. Like, coming over on top of each other."

"It was kind of scary," Josh admitted.

"It became a real Hunger Games," Conan joked. "You guys were hunted through the streets of Rome . . ." We all agreed and then he changed the subject. "You know, it's interesting. There is such intensity at the panel where people were Team Peeta or Team Gale and do you ever have people come up to you and they tell you that they're not on your team, that they're on a different team?"

Josh speaks up. "Oh yeah, for me it's weird because they always, like, you know, their interaction would be like, 'Hi, can I take a picture with you?' And you meet the person, and they always do that at the end: you know, 'I'm Team Gale by the way . . .' It's like I'm going to give you a quick stab in the heart and then I'm out of there."

". . . And then they get what they want and do it that way," Conan said.

"Or they'd say, 'I've actually never seen the Hunger Games at all . . .'" Liam gave an example of a fan. " 'But my daughter has so I'd love to take a photo.' "

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