[35:] Punished

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Here's a Joshifer picture for all you fangirls out there. Don't worry, I have plenty more where this came from.

Maddie's P.O.V.

“Josh, you are not the father.”

I stare blankly at the TV screen, Maury was on and apparently another man named Josh is not the father and he does this little happy dance while the girlfriend cries and the crowd erupts with noise.

I change the channel when my parents come bursting in.

Suspended?Jen overreacts. “Maddie, what were you thinking? Getting into a fight? I thought better of you!”

Josh mumbles, “Did you win?” Jen is quick to smack in the arm while giving him the death glare.

“But, Jen, this girl constantly bullies me! I was only defending myself!”

She sighs and places her hands on her hips. “Still, that wasn't right of you to do that. I'll go to school to take care of this bullying issue. Who is this girl again? What's her name?”

“Hillary,” I tell them. “She's the one who made me want to. . .you know. That thing.

Fortunately, they understood what I was trying to say. I was referring to that dark period in my life where I was so close to ending my life.

“Since you'll be home for the next few days, I'll go to your school to get your assignments, and you will do some chores.” She pulls a piece of paper from her pocket. “All of these will be done before you go back to school, and hopefully you will learn from this.”

I scan the list:

。Wash the dishes
。Fold laundry
。Clean out the litter box
。Take the trash out
。Unpack your things
。Mow the lawn
。Wipe the counters/table
。Rake any leaves left
。Clean the bathroom (including the toilet)
。Decorate your room
。. . . And anything else we tell you to do.

“But. . . That's not fair!” I whine. “This has to be considered child labor. And 'mow the lawn'? Isn't that Jason's job?”

“Maybe next time you'll think about your actions, Maddie,” Jen said. “Come on, Josh.”

Then they exited the room.

Jen returned a moment later, snatched the remote from my hands, and turned off the TV.

“Oh, and no TV, no phone and no computer.”


“Josh'll come a take out the TV. Until then, you might want to get a head start on those dishes before we eat dinner. You know how messy we can get.”

I groaned and got up.


I made sure I got a head start on those dishes, and right after dinner, there was more to pile on.

As my brother handed me a dirty plate, he mumbled what sounded like an apology and left.

He had nothing to be sorry for. It was my fault. I shouldn't have touched her pretty little face.

Jen came to check up on me, and right before she left, I quickly said, “Wait! Can I go with you when you get my assignments?”

“But what about---?”

My chores?I emphasized. “I'll finish them, I promise. I just wanted to go with you, that's all.”

“Okay, fine. But when we come back, you are starting your missing work. Understood?”

I repeat, “Understood.”


That morning after breakfast, I washed the dishes and scrubbed every last stain and crumb.

Once Jen was satisfied, she told me to get dressed for that we were going to school.

I wore casual clothes, not really caring about my appearance. It's not like anyone I really knew was going to be there on a Saturday, right?


We reached the school and into the main office and guess who was there getting her assignments as well?


She had to do a double-take before realizing it was me and I swear that she had this wicked grin across her face.

While Jen spoke with one of the workers, I stared at Hillary, and she actually had the guts to come up to me. Jen was too busy to notice.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice full of sass.

“Getting my work.”

“Is your 'mother' here?” Hillary used air finger quotes. “She can't save you all the time, Maddie.”

“I know that.” I exhaled deeply. “Look, I want to know why for the past year you've bullied me constantly.” It's taking a lot of guts to confront my bully. “I nearly died because of you. Don't you feel bad for that?”

Her face fell, as if she couldn't believe it.

“Because. . .” Her eyes began to well up, much to my surprise. “I was jealous, okay! You live this awesome life with Jennifer Lawrence! I mean, come on, who wouldn't love that! I thought that if I made you feel bad, I'd feel better about myself. . .”

“And how did that turn out?”

“If you want an apology, fine. Sorry. There, happy?” she spat.

I didn't think she'd say these things. Doesn't it usually go the other way around? She keeps ridiculing me, and I eventually switch schools or something?

Her one-word apology felt the tiniest bit sincere, but I accepted it. Beggers can't be choosers.

She didn't burst into tears, either. Just stood there calmly, waiting for my reaction.

“I forgive you.” Not because she deserves it, but because I deserve peace.

She smiled. Not rudely or full of hate, either.

“Your life is so great. Like, you get to deal with the paparazzi, and get to be famous. It's just that . . . I've always wanted to go on the red carpet and have them take pictures of me, and love me. Because . . . right now, no one really does.”

Why is she telling me all of this? Does she want my pity or something?

Aww. She's lonely. Now I feel like the bad guy. Ugh.

I couldn't believe I was saying this, but----

“How about one day, you . . . come with me?” Offering for her to join us was hard to ask, but I let it out.

Her face lit up and she quickly rubbed her eyes. “Really? You mean that? Even though I was mean to you?”

“Yeah.” I showed a small smile. “I treat others how I wanted to be treated, and you should do the same, okay?”

She nodded just as Jen said, “Ready to go, Maddie?” Then, she noticed Hillary. “Oh, who's this?”

Hillary's face lit up yet again. She was now face to face with an Oscar-winning actress.

Of course, she was starstruck.

“Jen, this is Hillary.” I introduced her.

Jen's face went from calm to Donkey Kong in a matter of seconds. She was pissed.


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