[17:] Monday Madness

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  • Dedicated to ➳Justin, my best friend

Maddie's P.O.V.

You know what's worse than getting kidnapped while on your period?

Playing dodge-ball on Picture Day.

And the thing is, as you all know, I had to have gym first thing in the morning.

Today's Monday, and there's this things that superstitious people like me believe in. It's called Monday Madness and basically it means every Monday, something goes wrong. They say it's because it's the start of a new week is the reasoning for bad luck.

So, to make things worse, I forgot my gym clothes---which consisted of basketball shorts, a tee, and sneakers.

I brought them home last week so Jen can wash them. Guess I forgot to grab them on the way out.

Also, Jen had straightened my wavy hair because I wanted to look nice today. Complete the look with a pale pink dress, heels, and a necklace.

So if I sweat, my hair will spring into action and the waves will return.

Coach wouldn't have it today. He didn't care if it was Picture Day or not. If you don't participate, you'll get a zero for the day. Also, points get taken off for not "dressing out," in other words, dressing properly.


All of us hit the gymnasium, some of the boys looked like they were ready to pounce.

I have a C in this class.

Yeah, I know, who gets a C in P.E.?

Me, that's who.

I don't always dress out or don't do the greatest on the tests. I've never really been into sports all like that. Maybe just a little, but that's it.

A tall boy named Peter kept staring at me with a dodgeball in hand.

The only rules was that you couldn't hit anyone in the head, or you're out.

Otherwise, this was a battlefield, and the boys looked like they were ready to win.

Boys versus girls. How fair is that?

Some girls aren't that strong. Plus, it's Picture Day. Wouldn't want to ruin or break their perfect little nails they spent a fortune on. Well, maybe their parents.

Another girl, Alondra, who is tall and has an athletic build, looked a bit angry. She's told me in the past that she puts all of her anger into the sport she plays. Her therapist says it's a good coping skill/stress reliever.

Coach blows his whistle and the game begins.

Most people know the concept of dodge ball. People throw balls at you and. . .well, you have to dodge them. Simple enough.

The boys didn't even try to go easy on us. They're savages. Maniacs.

On the bright side, the girls weren't as weak as you'd think.

Three boys got hit, and they had to sit to the side. They're out.

Twice as many girls got out within the first five minutes of the game!

I had my fair share in hits. But, all of the work made me sweat. Just a little at the hairline, but nonetheless, I needed to be more careful, any more and I'll be a frizzy haired freak-a-zoid. Only girls will understand my pain.

Although this wasn't supposed to happen, the strongest boy in this class---who was also on the weight-lifting team and a sophomore---hurled a ball at my head, knocking me out.

I didn't "black out" or anything, just fell to the ground, dazed. My head hurt and by the looks of it, my hair wasn't bone-straight and shiny, but frizzy.

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