[31:] Good News

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Maddie's P.O.V.

It's Valentine's Day. A great day for couples, a terrible day for single girls like me.

While others go out to dinner or buy presents, this year I plan to binge on chocolate while watching romantic movies such as The Notebook.

Jen and Josh have been married for two weeks now, and in that period of time, we moved into our new house.

It's in a whole new neighborhood, and the house itself is fabulous. White, two stories tall, five bedrooms, a pool, and even a balcony on the second floor. Overall, the house was huge.

I guess moving was a way to start our new life. Besides, Jason was happy to have his own room. Now he has to decide how to decorate it.

Luckily, I still get to go to the same school.

Yesterday, which was Friday the thirteenth, all of the couples at school showered each other with gifts and bragged about their significant others.

I got to watch people kiss with every turn I made. It wasn't like I wanted to see that, because I didn't. But no matter where I went, I ended up seeing a couple.

Boxes of fancy chocolate were passed around. And don't get me started about Julian. He and Isabella acted the most lovey-dovey of them all. I rolled my eyes at them.

Crystal was cool about it, saying she didn't have a valentine either. Well, she does have one, except he's in jail at the moment, and won't get out for a long time.

Right now, I'm laying in my bed, doing as I planned. Binging on chocolate and watching the Nicholas Sparks movie marathon. I usually sigh when I see the characters fall in love. Sometimes I wish I had someone, but I'm much too young.

That's okay, in two weeks, me and my brother will turn fifteen. Well, we'll celebrate it on the twenty-eighth. Just one more year, and it'll be my actual birthday. After that, I'll have to wait another four years, and by then it'll be 2020.

That seems so far away, but they say high school flies by. I'm not feeling it yet.

A knock on my door.

“Who is it?” I shout through a mouthful of chocolate.

A muffled answer.

“Ugh. Come in!”

It was Jen. “Hey. Just came to see what you were up to.”

“I'm surprised you're still here. It's Valentine's Day! Shouldn't you be out with your husband?” I was still not used to that title.

“Maybe later,” she said. “Besides, I'm not feeling well.”

“Oh. . . I'm just watching romance movies and eating chocolate.”

“Can I join you?”

“Normally I would say yes, but this is what single girls do.” I pop another piece of chocolate into my mouth. I had a whole bunch of these.

“Okay, then.” She was about to turn and close the door, but then I stopped her.

“Wait,” I called out, then scooted over to make room on the bed. “I guess you can join me. You want some chocolate? It's those fancy ones they sell on special occasions such as today.”

“No thanks.”

So that morning was spent watching the romance movie marathon.


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