[15:] We Won't Forget

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Maddie's P.O.V.

Jason refused.

But the thing was, I wasn't the one who told him.

We soon found out he went upstairs to use the bathroom and overheard the last bits of our conversation.

“No, no, I will never go sky diving! What, are you insane?”

He was shouting more at me than at Jen. He knew better than to disrespect an adult and mother figure.

“It was just an idea, calm down!” I tell him.

“But you agreed with her!” he said. “I heard it!”

“We---I---wanted you to come with us, you know, to Paris, and the best way to get there is by plane.” Jen looked at me and asked me to leave, she wanted to speak with my brother. . .alone.

I shut the door behind me and head to my room, right down the hall.

Do I have homework? I thought.

I checked my agenda---where I write down all of my assignments and needed to finish my Algebra. Ugh, I hate math.

Twenty-three problems and lots of math later, I stretch, already cramped from sitting in the same position on my bed. I had a desk with a chair and even a computer, but nothing beats the comfort of my bed. I love my bed. It makes me feel safe. I don't know how, nor can I explain it, it just does.

Boredom quickly hit right after I put everything back in my backpack and zipped it up.

I could watch TV. Boring! I watch too much TV. They say it rots the brain. . .

I could read a book. What, exactly? I don't have a library full of books in my room. . .though that would be nice.

I settled for surfing the web. Something interesting had to pop up, it just had to.

Just like I'd hope, something did catch my eye, or should I say many things.

Today is September 11th. An unfortunate event happened thirteen years ago, and we need to remember.

There were articles about what happened that day. I was about a year and a half old, so of course I don't remember a thing.

But to those 90s kids out there, try to remember.

Yes, it's sad that many lives were lost. It's sad to hear about terrorists and their inexcusable actions.

I just wanted to take a moment to remember. To pay my respects to all of the people involved. To the firefighters and paramedics and those who helped. I wish I could thank everyone. At least in my heart we wont forget.

They show specials on TV. Clips of the burning buildings with thick, black smoke that fills the air. I've seen it dozens of times.

But like I said, we won't forget.

After a few articles, I went to check on them.

Jason was on the sofa, Jen was making dinner. Well, ordering it, that is. She may not be the greatest cook, but, hey, she tries. And I appreciate her effort.

He seemed relatively calm. Whatever Jen said must have worked because he didn't seem panicked like he was hours before.

“Hey,” I say, sitting on the leather recliner chair.

“Oh, hey.” He seemed more focused on the TV then at me. Maybe Jen really is rubbing off on him, I joke to myself.

“So. . .are you, okay with everything. You know, going on a plane and. . .heights?” I manage to say.

“Yeah,” he quickly responds, his eyes still glued to the TV.

“But---how?” I wonder aloud.

When he didn't answer, I find Jen in the kitchen.

“What did you say to him?” I whisper.

“I used my charm,” she pushes some hair behind her ear.

“He's. . .calm. I can't believe it.”

“Well start believing it, Maddie. Besides, he's gonna allow me to give him some Nyquil so he'll sleep the entire time.”

"Nyquil? Jen, I don't think drugging him will help."

"Skydiving is too ridiculous of an idea, you know it's true, Maddie. Your brother would've probably peed his pants." While my mind created a mental image of that, Jen giggled at that last part.

"Yeah, you're probably right."


After dinner, I headed back upstairs into my room and searched the internet.

I was looking at expensive clothes I couldn't afford to buy, when an advertisement popped up.

It was a link to another website, where you could meet new people. Not a dating website, just a place to make friends. . .

So I clicked it, and a new member was required to sign up. I created a fake email and everything.

It wasn't before long I started having a conversation with this girl from Connecticut.

We talked about regular things, name, age, stuff like that. I didn't give too many details, just enough.

Eventually I got bored with her. She's eleven and is obsessed with One Direction. For half an hour, all she wanted to talk about was Zayn's hair, or Harry's dimples. That's how I found out about their names. In my opinion, I kept wondering, who would fangirl over that? Kids these days.

Jen knocked and opened the door, making my heart skip a beat. Luckily, I was able to close the tab in time, and was currently on the website I started with, the one where I was staring at clothes.

"You okay?" she asked, genuinely concerned. "You're awfully quiet. What are you up to?" she added casually.

"Nothing," I said a little too quickly. "Just staring at clothes, that's all."

"Let me see," she says, staring at the monitor. "I could buy you some more clothes if you want. All you had to do was ask."

"Okay," I said.

"That green top is cute," she said while pointing to the computer screen.

"Yeah, it is," I lie. I personally didn't like it, but I knew that I needed to act normal or else Jen would get suspicious.

Before she left, she hugged me.

"Tomorrow after school, we're packing. I'll get boxes and all of the supplies we'll need. You should get some rest. It's already after ten and it's Thursday, that means it's a school night, you know that. Get to bed, Maddie," she kissed my forehead, then said, "I love you."

I turned off my computer and laid in bed beneath the covers, thinking about today's events.

Should I get back on that website? I thought to myself as I lay under the covers, all warm and toasty. I don't speak to many people at school, I could make new friends!

As excited as I was, sleep was the only thing on my mind.

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