[24:] Memories

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The Hanging Tree parody, credit to the internet :)

Maddie's P.O.V.

Jen and Josh are still in Paris, without us. Jen said, “I know you want to stay here, but both of you need to go to school. Stay with my parents, like usual. I'll be back just in time for the Golden Globes.”

They, of course had premieres to attend and interviews to go through, and this meant that I couldn't come.

“It's for adults,” she'd said once I complained. I'm four years away from being an adult. Wait, it's almost three! The closest she'd be near me was the L.A. premiere next month, but I guess I'll watch it on TV, just like everyone else.

It's mid-October now, and that means I---we (Jason and I)---won't see either of them until January 2015.

I wanted to cry. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. All gone because of her career. For a split millisecond, I hated that she was an actress. She's my---our---mother, and she can't just leave like this, just like my real parents did.

So, I had to ride an airplane thousands of miles alone. Well, I wasn't alone, but it felt like I was, with Jason sleeping and all.

It was frightening experience, entering an airport that was flooded with people. We found Karen and Gary, who were delighted to see us.

“We're going to have so much fun!” she beamed. “I'll make sure of it. . .Don't be sad, Maddie. We'll spend the holidays together as family. The boys are coming and you'll get to meet my grandson, and other relatives.”

“Okay,” I say sadly.


I don't have a book to read. I already finished the Divergent series, and just like Mockingjay, I didn't like the ending.

We were at the house, our things located in the guest room. Jason wasn't thrilled at the fact we had to share one, but Gary found an air mattress and Jason offered to take it.

Since I have nothing to do, I came up with this:

“Are you, are you
Singing this song too,
It's stuck in your head
Nothing you can do.
Strange things have happened here
But no one will admit,
The truth that they
Are also singing it.”

It sounds a lot better if you sing it the way the first verse of “The Hanging Tree,” is sung.

Karen was making dinner while Gary accompanied her, and I'm in the guest room. Jason is. . .around.

My phone buzzed---a text from Jen.

I know you wish you were here. Are you okay, though?

I replied with:

Yeah. But I miss you.

I'll be home before you know it. How about you and your brother come with me to the Golden Globe Awards?

I still want to be in Paris right now, though.

Cheer up, Maddie. It's only for a few months. You know the drill.

I frowned.

I know. It's just that I wish you didn't have to leave all the time. Because now I'm sitting here, waiting for you to come back.


I'm sad too.

I love you and your brother with all my heart, but I also love my job.

Maybe you should choose one, I replied angrily.

Maddie, you know I can't do that. Why can't you just be happy for me?

I am happy for you, Jen. I just miss you too much.

I miss you more.

To change the subject, I sent: Your mom shows me old pics of you all the time.

Please don't say my yearbook photos.

Oh, yeah. Hello, “Most Talkative” in seventh grade! xD

Yikes. I remember those days.

Yep. You haven't changed a bit.

Right now, I'm laughing so hard that Josh is looking at me funny.

I can just picture that. Oh, and tell Josh that Maddie says hi.

He says hi back. You want to talk to him?

If you're willing to give up your precious phone, than sure.

“My precious.”

That was so funny, I forgot to laugh.
Never mind, I'm good. Talk to you later.

I set the phone down, and began to think of what I should do next.


“Do you need help with that?” I ask Karen, who was preparing dinner at the moment. I was wrong about Gary, he's in the living room, watching a game on TV, and Jason is right next to him. Jason even cheered along with Gary when Gary's favorite team scored, even though my brother and I are originally from Chicago.

“Oh, no, that's okay,” she said. When I showed the tiniest of frowns, she quickly said, “How about you set the table for me? Make sure there's enough plates for everyone, stuff like that.”

I smiled to that, me and my brother were being included in their traditions, when our's couldn't be anymore different.

Maybe staying with them isn't so bad after all.

Always open for suggestions... :)

*Filler chapter... sorry. Bear with me... just know some crazy things are about to happen!

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