[42:] Snitch

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Sean O'Donnell = Jason

Maddie's P.O.V.

Just because a celebrity adopted me, doesn't mean that I get special treatment.

At school, people are cool with me. I get treated like everyone else---for the most part. Well, I get more bullies, but that's about it.

It's March now, and there's only a few more months of school left. Yes, summer vacation is exciting and all, but those exams aren't. Schools should never have them. . .but whatever. I can rant all I want, that won't change things.

Because of my “lovely” brother, I have to get along with the enemy. During our one class together, we ended up being partners.

That didn't go so well.

We rolled our eyes at each other while I did all of the work. She said she didn't understand the work and when I tried to explain it to her, she didn't bother to listen!

Makes me wonder: why on earth did my brother choose this girl? What was he thinking?

“Hillary, try this---”

She annoyingly chewed gum and blew a bubble.

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Please do something. You can't possibly be that lazy.”

“I'm not lazy, I just don't want to do this work,” she said. “I'm never gonna use this when I become an actress anyway.”

“I know, right?” I couldn't believe it. I was actually agreeing with her. The enemy. The evil witch.

We talked a bit more, not bothering to complete the assignment, and we have more in common than we thought.

She also said she had a crush on Josh.

You see, if he wasn't like a father figure to me, I would have probably agreed with her. Liking Josh would be like being attracted to your father, and that's beyond disgusting.

It's going to take a long while before Hillary and I would become. . .

I can't say it.

Okay, I'll try.


After all, she bullied me, and we all know how that turned out.

But maybe she's all right after all.


“Hey,” I tell Jen after school while searching the kitchen for a snack. “You doing okay?”

Jen and I haven't had mother-daughter time in a while. She's busy with her life and I'm busy with mine. Well, does school and homework count as having a life?

“Yeah, I'm all right,” she answered. “How was school today?”

She asks me that question every single day. Weekdays, actually. But still.

“I think me and Hillary might become. . .” I swallow hard. “Might be. . .friends.

“What? But, why? That girl needs to be expelled!”

“Just because she was mean to me, doesn't mean that I have to be the same way with her.”

“But, I don't understand.”

“Jen, I'm being nice to her because that's what's right.”

She gave me a motherly hug.  “I'm so proud of you, Maddie.” Then I earned a kiss on the forehead---Jen's signature sign of affection for me.

For Josh, that's a whole 'nother story.


After homework, I decided to “rot my brain,” by watching TV.

In my opinion, if a person knows the words to most of the commercials, then they watch too much TV.

I am one of those people.

For the one thousandth time, the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer came on, saying how it's playing in theaters.

Jen strolled by, and I asked again if I can go see it.

“You're too young!” she cried.

“But. . .other kids get to watch it,” I whined. “Why can't I?”

“You aren't like other kids, Maddie, and you know that.” She placed her hands on her hips. The trailer was just about to finish playing, and the two main characters were shown making out. “Look at that. It's highly inappropriate for kids your age. Besides, that movie is rated R.”

“That's not fair! You got to watch it.” That part is true, they actually did, then came home really late.

I'm an adult.”

I then decided to test her patience; make her mad somehow. “Have you done any of that stuff with your man? Hmm?”

“God no,” she said with disgust.

“Oh, man, I can just picture it now.” I began to mess with her by imitating the moans and groans people make while having sex.

Jen threw the nearest pillow at me. Then, she changed the channel. “No Fifty Shades of Grey for you. Not now. Not ever. Please, don't grow up too fast. You're already fifteen, and in a few years, you'll leave me to go to college.” Jen pouted. Only a parent can go from one topic to the next in a matter of seconds. Any minute now, I bet she'll start crying. Stupid pregnancy hormones.

“I'd rather you stay angry with me than for you to start crying.”

Another pillow was thrown at me. I had a pillow in my hands, ready to throw it, but stopped myself. I'd probably aim at her stomach area. Even though she's six weeks along, I don't know if the tiniest of things would affect the growing baby. I set the pillow down.

“I thought you were going to throw that at me,” she challenged. “What, you scared?”

“Actually, yeah, I am.”

She looked puzzled, so I explained to her my theory.

“Look at you, acting like a big sister already.” I received another kiss to the forehead. “I love you.”


At dinner, Jen asked how our day was, again. I think she says it many times and doesn't realize it.

“Fine,” I say yet again.

Jason was happy, and I knew why.

Jen must have noticed his happiness, and asked him why.

“I just had a good day today, that's all,” was his response.

“Jason has a girlfriend,” I blurted out without meaning to.

His eyes widened. Jen dropped her fork, I heard the clink as it fell on to her glass plate.

“Really?” Josh asked. Then he mumbled, “Is she hot?” Again, Jen was quick to shut him up, and he received the death glare.

“Well, Maddie gets panic attacks sometimes,” my brother said.

Jen was even more shocked.

“Snitch,” my brother and I said in unison.

Jen tried to stay calm and said, “All right. We need to talk about this. Now.

What do you think will happen next?

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