[23:] One Long Day

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Maddie's P.O.V.

I don't know how they did it, but Mockingjay part 1 is complete and right now, we are all sitting in a room, all of the cast and crew are watching the finished product.

Fire is catching. . .and if we burn, you burn with us!

The experience of being able to watch the creation of this film was unbelievable. I am so blessed for everything. For my family, and now including Josh too.

Yes, they worked hard, but they made sure they had fun. I can't tell you how many pranks were given, the countless times a person was so startled, the endless laughter, and the hours of TV time we had.

One more movie to go.

I won't reveal major spoilers, because I like a good surprise. But, I can tell you this: there isn't much action because it's saved for part 2, which is already going to be epic; I should know, I've seen the script.

My favorite scene would have to be when Katniss sings. Sure, it was pre-recorded, but it is her voice, and I've told her many times she has a beautiful sound, but she refuses to hear it.

Once the credits roll on, I cheer. Soon, everyone else follows.


“What are you doing?” I asked Jason.

Jen and Josh went out. Something about adding their “love lock” on this bridge in Paris. It probably has a name for it, but I didn't pay much attention to them. I did have to do some major convincing to let them allow us to stay here. Alone.

“Texting,” he replied, his thumbs were moving at an accelerating rate. Did I forget to mention Jen bought him an iPhone so we could contact each other?

“I wanna see!” Annoying him can be fun sometimes. “Is it a girl?”

“Maybe.” The smallest of smiles appears on his lips.

Oh, no, I thought. It better not be Willow. They've been talking lately, but---

“It's not Willow, if that's what you're thinking.”

“How did you---?”

“Lucky guess,” he grinned. “Now if you'll excuse me---”

“Hey, as the one in charge---”

“Who made you in charge?” he asks.

I was born first.”

“No way!” I shot back. “I was obviously the first born.”

“Well it's not either of us could ask our parents. They're both dead,” he says softly.

“Jason---” I start.

“Don't sugar-coat it, Maddie. They're dead. Gone forever, and you know it's true.”

I swallow hard.

He was lying down on the mattress across from me.

“I wish I could've gotten to know Mom better. . .” Jason puts the phone down. “I haven't said that in a really long time.”

Oh, boy. Time for a serious talk.

“What do you want to know about her? I was with her until, you know.” I said.

“What was she like? All of these years I never knew. Just lived with Macy. But she never told me anything about our mother. Called her a drug addict but I always yelled at Macy and defended our mother.”

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