[71:] Grateful

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“Austin,” was all I could think of to say.

His tank top was slick with sweat. He offered a hand and helped me up, and I assured the crowd that I was okay.

“I'm okay, I'm fine.” I told them. My head hurts, but the room is no longer spinning.

The crowd lessens, and I'm back on my feet. I haven't seen him in such a long time. It's been three years.

He doesn't have braces anymore, and his hair is short and trimmed.

“Maddie,” he breathes. He crushes me in a hug, and I wrap my arms around him. He kept mumbling something and that I couldn't quite comprehend: “you're okay, you're okay.

I pulled away and looked at him. This wasn't like old friends running into each other and catching up as if nothing ever happened. This man saved my life, and I have no idea what to say to him.

“Thank you,” I tell him with tears in my eyes. “Again.”

Another hug. I'm glad I could help, and you're okay.”

“I am, I am,” I repeated, my head buried in his chest. “A lot has happened since I last saw you.” Despite our bodies reeking with sweat, we stayed like that for a long time.

* * *

After that whole ideal, neither of us were up to working out. We pushed the gym doors open and I felt the cool October breeze.

Outside, in the parking lot, we sat in his car as he turned the air on low.

I sat on the passenger side, staring out the window.

“How are you?” I asked. I was curious to see how his life has turned out. “How are you really doing?”

He shifted in his seat and sighed. Well...”

* * *


"Well..." I began. I had to think back about my life, even the parts I didn't want to remember. "I'd been posting YouTube videos for the longest time, of me singing and stuff. Then I got discovered, and that's when my life changed."

She seemed intrigued.

“Before, I was able to go to the grocery store or skate park or wherever I wanted, and it was nice. Nobody knew me. I had my friends and family, and they were all I needed.” I place a hand on the wheel. But then I got noticed, and everyone knew me. All of a sudden I couldn't go anywhere without flashing lights blinding me.”

I understand,” she said. And I knew she really did, because she had gotten adopted by a celebrity, and the same thing happened to her. “It still happens to this day. They never leave you alone.”

Not many people on this planet can understand where I'm coming from.

“I love what I do,” I continue. “I do, I really do. But a person can only do so much.”

* * *

She throws her head back against the seat and laughs hysterically. “She did what?

Our conversation flowed effortlessly. We talked about all kinds of things. I brought up some of the most memorable moments I've had with my fans.

“I was on stage, singing...” I start, trying to recall that day. “And out of nowhere, something goes flying across the stage.” I use my arms to demonstrate, and she's giggling even harder. “A bright pink thong.”

“Please tell me you didn't pick it up,” she said, stifling a laugh.

“I picked it up---”

Her laughter was nonstop. “No! Oh my goodness!”

“Okay, I used two fingers to pick it up and inspected it, and it had my name on it!”

I tried not to act disgusted that day. I made sure I appeared to be grateful.

“Wow, that's really something,” she said in between bits of laughter. “Here I am, tripping over baby gates at home! And one time, I laughed so hard, milk came out of my nose!”

“Baby gates?” I asked, curious.

“I have a brother, he's a year old now.” Then she told me about how small and chunky he was as a baby, and now he's nearly walking.

I'm an only child, but I tell her that I'm happy for her.

* * *

I don't know how long we were out there. Like the first time we met, time went by so fast. Talking to her is easy.

Somehow I ended up ranting to her about my best friend, Alex, and all of the goofy things we've done together. I've known him for years.

I stared straight ahead, thinking of better times. That's when I realize that Maddie has been awfully quiet.

As soon as I turned around, I figured out why: she fell asleep. She rested her head on her shoulder, and I noticed blonde roots starting to grow in her dark hair.

I suddenly wonder how long I've been talking to myself.

Soon after, I heard a sound. Her phone was in her hands, vibrating. I checked the caller ID, and there was only a single pink heart where a name should be.

Is she in a relationship?

Too nervous to answer, I let the phone ring. 7 missed calls, her screen reads.

Yet again, that same person is calling. I glance at the clock: 4:12 A.M.

I freaked out, and answered it. A woman's voice said, “Maddie? Where are you?” I ended the call by accident.

She has a girlfriend now?

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