[32:] Thoughts

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Maddie's P.O.V.

Wow, that happened fast.

All of our reactions were different.

Karen dropped her glass and it shattered across the tile kitchen floor, along with its contents spilling. Jen took a step back.

Between me and Karen, I couldn't say who was the most surprised.

I held onto my glass firmly in my hand. But when Jen shared her life-changing news, I spit out a mouthful of cranberry juice, and little crimson colored dots scattered across the floor.

Josh took the opportunity to leave the room, probably afraid of us women and the brawl that was bound to happen.

Jen's facial expression said it all: Oops. She shrugged while Karen and I were still processing this information.

The thing is, Karen is already and grandma. She and Gary have a grandson named David, but the family calls him Bear. The nickname hasn't stuck yet when it came to me, so I insist on calling him by his real name.

Silence quickly filled the room.

At last, Karen finally spoke. “Are you sure? It's kind of early. . .You've been married for only two weeks!”

“I'm sure,” she replied with a smile. “Missed my period.”

I'm going to be a big sister! I thought, then this came to mind: Oh, boy. What will Jason think of all this?

“Can I go tell. . .?” I asked. Fortunately, Jen knew who I was referring to.

“I think it'd be best if it came from me.” After that, she went upstairs.

When I checked up on Karen, she was already on her knees, carefully sweeping the glass shards.

I place my cup on the counter. “So. . .what do you think about all of this?”

She instantly smiled. “I'm happy for them, I just didn't think it'd happen so. . .soon.”

“I didn't think so either. . .” Then I thought for a moment. “Ohhh. . .” I dragged on that single word. “That's why they were so happy when they got back from their honeymoon. It all makes sense now!” I widely grin at this revelation.

Karen smacked her palm to her forehead and laughed so hard that her shoulders shook.

I took over sweeping the shards.

Jen returned to this awkward scene and looked at me with this puzzled expression.

“Don't ask,” I told her. “How did Jason take it?”

“Well he certainly didn't react like you two.” I giggled.

I didn't expect him to react like an overly hormonal teenage girl, such as myself.

“He took it well, said he was happy for me.”

“Did he even pay any attention? You know how addicted he is to that game station.”

“No, he did. Trust me,” she said. “He stopped playing the game. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Karen's laughing fit ceased to exist. She had calmed down.

And then, another silence reached among us.

I sighed. “So. . .no more alcohol for you now?”

“I know, don't remind me. It sucks. Can't have any for a long time.”

“How do you feel?”

“Like I'm about to throw up,” she said quickly and ran to the nearest bathroom.


So. . . what were your reactions to the last two chapters? (Wedding and Good News)

I am excited to hear all about it!

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