[28:] Louisville Game

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Maddie's P.O.V.

During Christmas Eve, normally a person would prepare for the next day, getting ready to open presents and simply have a good time.

Well, Jen came home earlier than planned. Instead of arriving in January, she's home by December twenty-third.

At the airport, we were all waiting for their arrival. Of couse, I missed them dearly.

Jen was exhausted. When I saw her on TV during the L.A. Premiere, just six days earlier she was in London. They've had to travel a lot and the jet lag was apparently “unbearable.”

But Jen is a strong woman. That night we flew out to Kentucky---Jen's family and me and my brother came with her---so we could go to the Louisville Cardinals game.

Plus, on Christmas Eve, Jen visited the Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky unannounced  and I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. The kids were so happy to see her. If I were them, I'd be happy too.

On Christmas, I had woken up in Jen's home town, and I think she was feeling nostalgic.

I didn't ask for much on Christmas, because I have everything I could ever ask for. I have a loving mother, and pretty soon a father figure. Plus, Jen's parents and brothers have been so good to me and Jason. They took us in, never complained, and seemed delighted to have us in their lives.

Although I asked for nothing on Christmas, I still received a gift from Jen. A new phone, some more clothes, and a thousand dollar gift card---I'm saving it for emergencies. It's one of those VISA cards, I can spend it on anything I wanted.


The stadium was loud and crowded.

It was the Louisville Cardinals versus the Kentucky Wildcats and I think we all know who Jen and her family were rooting for.

Ben and Blaine attended the game with us, and we all decided to wear matching outfits: a black Cardinal's t-shirt, jeans, and a red cap.

Although Jason and I aren't from Kentucky, we still cheered and were a good sport about it.

I even learned the “L” symbol, which stood for Louisville.

Each time the Cardinal's scored, the crowd went wild and their cheers were deafening.

I guess the people native to Kentucky knew how party.

“Excuse me, could I take a picture with you?” a boy about my age asked Jen.

It must be a lot to have to deal with fans and their requests. But Jen didn't deny him. A quick picture and she returned to the basketball game.

Jen's hair is growing out, I could tell from beneath her red cap.

Another score, and I felt as if I'd go deaf.

Jen and her family showed the “L” symbol and I followed along. My hair was in a braid and was in the middle of my back. Courtesy of Jen.

I also learned the “C-A-R-D-S” cheer that Jen chanted with her family.


The Cardinals lost to the Kentucky Wildcats by eight points, but I think Jen's cheery attitude and appearance was the highlight of the night.

By the next day, we flew back out to California just in time for the New Year.

Super short, I know.

Just stay tuned for the wedding! It's coming up soon!

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