[45:] Bad News

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Maddie's P.O.V.

"Hide!" I whispered loudly.

He bolted to the bathroom and I was stuck. . .

"Jen, the door won't open," I heard Josh say from outside. He wiggled the key in some more.

The reason why the door won't open is because I am holding on to it for dear life. To make sure it doesn't unlock.

I glance at the clock---it's noon. How could they be back so early?

What should I do? Run? Hide? Get caught?

I ran as fast as my little legs could take me and entered the same bathroom Logan was in.

I put my index finger to my lips, indicating for him to shush.

He nodded in understanding.

"How could of this have hap-pened?" Jen sounded different; like she might be crying. "I just don't get it!"

Josh sounded equally sad. "It's not your fault, Jen."

They both sobbed in great wracking heaves---from what I could hear. I wonder. . .what happened?

I give Logan a confused expression. He shrugs.

"What do we do?" I ask in the lowest tone I can possibly speak in.

Luckily, there was a back door that leads to outside in here. But if I did that, where do I go? I could return to school. . . but my backpack is in my room!

"Logan, you have to go!" I whispered again. "Just go out the back door or something and leave. I'll be dead if they catch you here."

Then he did something unexpected.

He kissed me on the cheek. It was the softest, most delicate peck. It was literally as light as a feather.

He says, "Thank you," and quietly slips out, shutting the door behind him.

Good thing he left, I was hardcore blushing.

Since they came home so soon, I did not have enough time to clean up the evidence that I was here. Meaning the sink dripped with water, my backpack was in my room, and I moved a couple of things.

But all I could hear was them sobbing.

I can't hide here all day. What happens when my brother gets home and I'm not there?

So many questions, not enough answers. Maybe I should say that I ditched school, but "forget to mention" that a boy was ever here.

Bad idea.

Instead, I waited for what felt like an eternity in the bathroom, and when I heard the school bus engine roaring down the street, I knew that my brother was almost home.

I opened the back door (it was installed for emergencies), and ran to the nearest tree. When the kids got off the bus, I blended with the crowd.

Jason was quick to see me. "You weren't on the bus today."

"Uh. . . Yeah I was, you just didn't see me. I was in the front this time."

"No, you weren't there. I waited for you!" he said. "Besides, if you did go on the bus, then where's your backpack?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm here, aren't I? So let's go."

I knew Jason wasn't buying it, but he didn't want to know.


We walked inside casually, and there they were, still crying.

But the thing is, I've never seen them cry this hard before. Normally, it's a few tears or something. But this, this was hardcore. The complete package. Their eyes were beyond red. Their salty tears rolled past their cheeks and dripped below their chins. Their eyes were swollen and of course, they were loud.

And yet, I still couldn't think of what they could be crying about. Yeah, Josh sobbed too, but not as much as Jen. He tried to be her rock, the one to support her. He tried to comfort her, and I noticed he was mumbling things in her ear, but that didn't help at all. She just snapped at him.

I didn't want to interrupt what was going on, for if it were that serious, they would let us know.

Since I only went to my first class today, I don't really have any homework. So I sat in my room, and simply watched TV.

Eventually, my brother came into my room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Why do you think they're crying? They haven't stopped yet!"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just hope everything is okay. I think they'll tell us when they're ready."

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, you are probably right."

Then he said, "You weren't on the bus today. So really, where were you?"

"I walked home. There, happy? It's none of your business anyway."

He seemed satisfied in my answer. I was only half-lying. "Okay, then."

After a couple of seconds of silence, he left. I continued watching TV.


I thought their crying was loud, but about an hour later, I heard the smashing sound of glass along with more agonizing sobs and a bit of yelling.

They weren't in an argument, were they? They never fight!

I was quick to check out the scene, and so was my brother. Maybe it's a twin thing.

Nah, probably not.

In the living room, there used to be a glass table there. You know, for decoration and to but things on top of it.

But that was broken.

Jen was angry, but she didn't put it out on Josh, she just broke things.

Like the table.

I don't know how she got it, but she had a baseball bat in her hand. A dark, metal one. She hit the broken table and the glass shards became smaller, more harder to clean up.

"Jen, calm down," said Josh.

She rose the bat over her head. "But, why did this have to happen?"

Her tears that were once full of sadness were now filled with rage and sadness.

Josh calmly took the bat away from her, and then she broke down some more.

Her shoulders shook violently and she screamed just a bit as Josh held her. I didn't know how to react to this. I watched this happen from the corner.

Then, I stepped out.

Without thinking, I asked, "Are you two okay? What happened?"

"You heard all that?" asked Josh.

"Well, it was kind of hard not to."

Seeing his eyes saddened made my heart hurt.

"You've been crying forever," I said. "Please tell us what happened."

He sighed and patted Jen's back softly.

"You see, Jen... she had a miscarriage."

Then Jen began to cry some more, saying loudly, "Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong? I did everything right!"

Shortly after that, she became angry again.

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