[16:] Catfish

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Maddie's P.O.V.

It wasn't before long I found out about the term, “catfish.

And no, it's not that fish that you can catch and eat, like I originally thought.

Apparently, a person gets “catfished if, let's say they go on a website and they met another person and eventually falls in love with that person. Sounds normal, right?


With a sick and twisted fate, the person you thought you were speaking to isn't who they say they are. For example, the person's photo could be a gorgeous female that looks like a model, but behind that screen may be an old man or something.

So there you go. Catfished.

I'll never understand where this word came from, but I learned something.

Never talk to people on the internet if you don't know them.

Well, let me rephrase that because I know not everyone is going to listen to me and take my advice.

Fine, if you must talk to another person, be careful of what you say. Don't give your personal information to others. Maybe the briefest of things, but that's it.

Since it's better to be safe than sorry, I now refuse to go back on that website whose name I shall not say. I won't be responsible for bad reviews or stuff like that.

Instead, I watch the TV show.

And yes, such thing exists.

It's called Catfish and it's on MTV. I found this while surfing.

Not surfing with the waves and the sizzling sun is on your skin. The other type of surfing.

Channel surfing.

It's the type of surfing me and Jen like best. It was made for lazy people.

So yeah, I watched about two episodes before I got addicted to it.

These two guys get emails from all sorts of people wanting to know if they are being catfished or not. These two guys are like experts with this and in the end of the episode, we get to see this mysterious other person who may or may not be who they say they are. It's crazy, how it may be so obvious that they're a victim and they're too in denial to accept that.

First you got to notice the warning signs, or red flags.

One, if they keep making excuses of why they can't see you in person, that's a red flag.

Or if they refuse to speak to you over the phone or video chat; another sign.

The list goes on and on but I'll stop there.

It's crazy to see their reactions to all of this. Many cry while others are angry at themselves and at the world.

While I'm here with Jason who's downstairs, Jen was off doing her final interview with the cast of X-Men. . .and Nick.


Jen's P.O.V.

I was sitting in a chair in my make-up room, feeling the tip of the brush as blush was being applied to my cheeks.

I have to say, the team made me look beautiful.

My hair was growing out already from the pixie cut style I previously had. It was starting to look more like a bob, and I was okay with that.

This would be our final interview together, for a long while and I was excited to see them again.

“All right, Miss Lawrence, they're ready for you,” someone calls out, letting me know it was my cue to leave. I tell them “Jen” is just fine, but they don't listen. “Miss Lawrence” makes me feel old. Yeah, two teenagers at twenty four seemed impossible, but that word creates I'm possible, and that's how I like to think of it.

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