Colors of Insanity

351 4 1

Requested by MelissaC3000

One-shot for (none are romantic):
Green x Blue
Blue x Purple
Rainbow x Purple

Red and Yellow are here too.

A bit of an AU of mine


They should have seen it. 

It was so obvious.

First it was the one from the forest, he seen the signs.

Then the one who, he knows the difference.

Poor soul, he didn't even know how deep he was.

Next was a villager, he and his kingdom were victims.

Finally, an adventure, he couldn't tell a soul about the danger to come.

Everyone thought this new being would be the hero for his people. 

Everyone thought he would rid the darkness in their world. 

Everyone thought, but it was all wrong.

The new hero didn't know it himself, didn't understand so his mind was more fragile than the rest; more susceptible to succumb to the voices.     


"And that's the story of the Turned Hero" Origin closed his book then look to his class, "To this day, stories have been told the Turned Hero will be reborn and either our world will be turned to rumble or be saved from an impending doom. Yes Blue."

"If he becomes insane, isn't there a chance for him to still save the world?" Blue, asked, "say someone they care deeply for comes in?"

"That is a good question" Origin smiled, "According to the tales, the hero only responded to one person, the only person who ever made the Hero sane. Unfortunately, this was the Hero's downfall as the one he cared for sacrificed himself to protect the Hero. All the friends the Hero made who were true, received the same fate as their fallen friend."

Blue nods, "Will they also be reborn?"

"Yes and no, they say history will repeat itself, but only the Hero will be reborn; everything else is up to fate. Very good questions Blue, at least someone is paying attention in my class, Rainbow!"

Origin glared at the sleeping student next to Blue who shook him up.

"Rain, Rain"

"Mmmm, Blue? Is class over?" The red head yawned then noticed Origin's glare, "U-Uh, f-four?"

"This is history, not math. I hope you remember detention after school" 

Rainbow groan but didn't complain because Origin will give him another day to be bored. Instead, he doodled in his book and by his book, I mean Blue's.

"Blue, I need to speak to you after class" Origin called out when the bell rang.

The class emptied until it was Rainbow, Blue and Origin.

"Rainbow, I need to speak to Blue, you can go on ahead"

"Like Nether I'll leave Blue with you" Rainbow growled.

"Rain, it's just Mr. Origin, nothing will go wrong" Blue tried to convince his friend, this was normal.

Origin signs, "All I wanted to say is the school is offering after school tu-"

"He's not going" Rainbow interrupted, "Like every other time, He's. Not. Going."

Origin and Blue looked at each other then the younger signs.

Blue signs, "Sorry sir"

"It's fine Blue, you two stay safe" Origin smiled before going back to his desk as the two left to go home.

"Rain, you know I need to pass finals or else I'll be held back" Blue glared at his friend.

Rainbow, not caring one bit, "You'll be fine, you've always been"

Blue clenched his fists but didn't say anything more as there was no talking to the red head. Soon they met with their other friends: Green, Purple, Red and Yellow. The four greeted them, Blue nicer than Rainbow and walked out of school. About the halfway point, Blue stopped.

"Shoot" Blue groaned getting the group to turn to him, "I forgot my textbook in class, I'm going to grab it"


"I'll go with you; I forgot paperwork for the next council meeting" Yellow quickly cut off Rainbow and ran with Blue.

Rainbow was about to follow them, only to be stopped by the remaining students blocking his way. Everyone's dementor changed at that moment.

"Well, this is different" Rainbow smirk.

"We see the signs Rainbow" Green crossed his arms, "we won't ignore them again"

Purple took a step towards the red head, "You won't silence me, not now, not ever. You won't get away with anything "

"How do you know that I haven't changed? You've watched enough of those movies Purple, where the good guy uses to be bad yet changed when given a second chance"

"Voice, same" Red growled, "Hear difference, same before."

Rainbow frowned, "Remembering so soon doesn't make this fun you know smirks though little Blue hasn't remembered a single thing."

"He will, once he does-"

Purple was pushed to the ground; Green went to his aid and Red stood in front of them.

"Doesn't matter if he remembers, he's mine as destiny make it to be" Rainbow said, giving the three a dead stare, "Little Blue is my sanity, you don't want me to go off again, do you?"

"Still, same" Red growled, "We keep Blue away, you plan same"

Rainbow rolled his eyes, "English please, your speech is annoying. Green, be the good little translator you are"

Green glared, "He said, you are still the same and we're going to keep Blue away from you, especially when we figure out your plan."

"It'll be interesting, for now" Rainbow looked behind them, "Blue, what took you so long?"

"Sorry for making you wait" Blue panted, "Mr. Origin wanted to speak to me and..."

Yellow pulled Rainbow away from the group while Blue was talking.

"Let me guess, you remember as well?" Rainbow reverted back to his dead stare.

Yellow nods, "I failed to protect my kingdom, I won't fail this city or my friends"

"Aren't we friends?"

"We were never friends from the start; you became my enemy once you destroyed my home" 

"It's annoying that you and the others remember, but it'll make things interesting to what the four of you will do"


Rainbow grabbed the collar of Yellow's shirt and pulled him up to eye level, "Blue won't be with you, he's not going to be involved in the crossfire."

Yellow didn't react, only looked Rainbow in the eye, "He really is the key"

"Even if he remembers, I'm not losing him, and I won't hesitate to eliminate anyone who gets in my way"

"And we won't hesitate from keeping Blue away from you, history won't repeat itself and we will live while you fall"

"We will see"

Rainbow dropped Yellow then walk back to the group.

'You won't ever win'


Word count: 1030

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