A Wish in a Illusion

670 5 3

FavremySabre x Alex

Requested by ElianaGaraFani

Requested and prompt by Jsg_owo : there would be a prompt if there wasn't a glitch and I don't feel like searching 200+ chapters so this is an idea I got. From the episode 'I had to PICK between 2 CLOSE FRIENDS'


In Sabre's hands is the power Illusion had, now belonging to him, Alex and Guardian. Though the moment Alex handed it to him, Sabre felt something off about it, something about the block he held gave him bad feeling. Alex and Guardian look at the human.

"Guys, I know we did a great job. You guys did a stellar job persuading Illusion to stand there like a fool and all that but I, um, think we should destroy this block"

Alex's eyes widened, "W-Wait, just destroy it? Don't, don't do that"

"Wait, what?" Guardian stepped forward, "Slow down, don't be so hasty Sabre"

Sabre put up a hand and they stopped talking, "Now hold on, you guys are obviously scared of it.

To prove his point, he walked closer to them and they backed up before even thinking to do so.

"See what I mean?" Sabre asked before going back to original spot.

"I-I just don't want to hold it" Alex tried, "I'm not afraid of it, I just don't want to hold it"

The brunet signed, "It's okay if you are scare of it, but we should just destroy it. It's probably not a safe thing to be near if it makes all of us feel weird about it. So let's just destroy this thing and find a different way to go about this."

"Hang on Sabre, obviously the best plan of what to do is build you machine and infuse it into me as quickly as possible so I can have its power. Okay?"

"Okay, we could do that" Sabre said getting Guardian's hope up, "or I could throw this in a pool of lava"

"Or" Alex spoke up, "A different plan would be similar to what Guardian said but instead of infusing him, infuse it with me"

"Now that-wait what? What do you mean? I infuse the block with you?"

Alex nodded her head, "Yes, exactly"

"But you're terrified of this thing"

"Y-Yeah, I mean I don't want to hold it, but I think I could benefit from the powers"

"So, what you're suggesting, *gestures to the Guardian* right in front of the Guardian bluntly and I do just want to remind you that you've just suggested betraying Guardian right in front of him."

"But Alex, we have an agreement"

"We do, we do. We could always get another but..." Alex's glanced at the block, "but I want the block more so I can, you know, have more power, and we can use that!"

Then Alex and Guardian went into a whole debate, with Sabre interjecting after each rebuttal. It was funny for a bit, but the human decided to do what he thought was right since the power of the block would get to their heads once infused; heck it's already in their head without being infused. So Sabre excused himself and climbed up a mountain, leaving the debating two to question where he's going going.

 "Don't worry guys, I'm just going to find a pit of lava to throw this thing in" Sabre said without looking back but stopped hearing Ales and Guardian's voice coming closer.

Once again, the two argued against destroying the block before arguing against one another on who should get the block's power. Leaving Sabre, once again, in search of a pit of lava: there was no point of explaining. Unlike them, Sabre has been through this rodeo one too many times and learned from his mistakes. Besides, every time he listens to a Steve or being and gives them what they want, either they betray him, it goes completely wrong, or the enemy manages to overpower them. Doesn't matter what, it ends the same.

Soon they fell into a pattern: Sabre running to find a pool of lava, Alex and Guardian catching up to him, Alex and Guardian get into an argument, Sabre running off again. After the fourth or fifth round of this pattern, Sabre just stopped and tried to explain his reasoning, but like every time, no one wants to listen, they just wanted power. The human was just about of patience but it seems his two friends were at the edge of theirs and their .

"You know what Alex" Guardian glared, "I rather see the block destroyed then for you to have it!"

Sabre was surprised at this.

"Oh, is that so?" Alex glared back then look at Sabre with smile that meant anything but happiness, "Sabre, I'm going to ask you to back up please"

"Oh? Does this mean you're giving me permission to destroy this block?" Sabre asked hopefully.

"No" Alex put a hand on Sabre's shoulder, "It's that I don't want you to get hurt. We're still friends and I don't want you to get hurt"

"I agree." Guardian added, "Now then, please take a few steps back, preferable behind those trees"

"O-Okay then"

"Great" Alex took her hand off Sabre's shoulder, "once you're there I can destroy Guardian"

"Wait...what?" Sabre asked looking between the two, "Y-You two are going to fight?"

"Yes, I thought it was obvious" Alex said as though it was most obvious thing in the world.

Guardian then started to fly, "Now Sabre, please take cover so I can destroy this girl"

"Hey, this 'girl' is the who's going to destroy you" Alex growled and flied to the same height.

The two struck each other with lighting as Sabre hopelessly watched from a distance. Both were hurting each other with each strike and memories of past events flashed through his mind: friends fighting friends, enemies, bystanders. Losing his friends and those he called family over and over and over.

Sabre covered his ears and closed his eyes, 'Please make it stop, please, please! Why can't things be simple? Why can't things be like they were before?! I wish things would be easier!'


Alex and Guardian were both weak, but they weren't stopping until one of them is destroyed. Just as they mustered enough energy for another attack, lightning struck, grabbing their attention. Eyes were widened seeing it was the spot Sabre was standing.

"Sabre!" Alex cried out.

There was a flash white and instead of a young adult human, a small boy was present. His clothing consisted of a simple blue shirt and beige pants; his doesn't have a bandanna but his bands were long enough to cover his eyes.

"S-Sabre?" Guardian asked.

The boy look that the duo, "Who...Who's Sabre?"


Word Count: 1118

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