Our Yanderes Part 2

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Requested by Mightymisssomerando73Itzcrystall0816

Suggestion by Itzcrystall0815: Part 2? And can the ship still be focused on both and maybe add a yandere reverse x lucas into it.

(Just to let you know Reverse will be a Yandere as stated in his character description at the top, but either way)

Just for a reminder:
Siren Evil Yandere Reverse x TheLSpike
Yandere Rainbow x 09Shark
FavremySabre x Yandere Dark

Also, here as some traits of a jinn: can make themselves visible to anyone or remain invisible; capable of flying; travel at very high speeds; stronger than humans and most supernatural's; able to possess certain species.


The six arrived at Sabre's rather large house and everyone went to their rooms Sabre had set up specifically for each of them. Though six rooms turned to three. Shark and Rainbow shared one for obvious reasons; Dark stayed in Sabre's room since he suffers from nightmares often and the brunet often helps him; and with Lucas' fear of the dark and being alone, Reverse sleeps in his room to keep him company. Each bedroom has its own bathroom for each pair to freshen up before heading to the kitchen where they find Sabre already making lunch for them as they didn't finish from earlier.

"D-Do you need any help?" Lucas asked, rubbing his arm.

"Na man, I got this, go sit with the rest" Sabre grinned then ruffled Lucas' hair, "Besides, if you keep on being cute, Reverse won't be able to keep to himself"

Lucas blushed slight red and whined, "Sabre!"

"Sorry pup, but you really need to find a strong being to look after you and have pups, Reverse is the only one I approve of ever laying his hands on you" 

Blue eyes lit up and hug his cousin, "Thank you, thank you!"

Out of everyone in his family, Lucas only listens to Sabre's opinion on someone. Sabre has this amazing ability to analyze anybody with a single touch, and his ability only seems to get stronger as time pass. The brunet is able to sense one's true intentions and motives in a matter of seconds, furthermore, he's the reason Lucas was never taken advantage of without suffocating him like everyone else. 

"Welcome, now get going, I have food to make and hungry supernaturals to feed" Sabre lightly shoved his cousin out.

Lucas skipped out of the kitchen with a smile on his face to the living room where everyone else it. Reverse sat on one side of the couch with a remote in hand and Dark on the other side, clutching a pillow close to his chest. Rainbow sat on a recliner with a sleeping Shark on his lap.

"Hey pup, when's lunch?" Reverse asked.

"In a bit" Lucas laid on Reverse, "What you're watching?"

"Some guys in a pit of slime, apparently the last one to leave gets $20k or something like that" Reverse shrugged, unconsciously wrapping his arm the blonde's waist.

Dark got up and went to the doorway that led to the kitchen. From there, the jinn watch as Sabre move around the room, enjoying the domestic feeling the brunet brings.

"Dark?" Sabre asked feeling someone hug him from behind.

"Hmm" The jinn nods, burying himself closer to the brunet.

"Can you let me go? I'm cooking right now" Sabre asked politely.

Instead of doing what's been asked, Dark hugged him tighter, "You would make a good host you know. So strong and able to protect all of us, and able to take care of us."

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