Return of the Personas Part 2

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New persona:
Sane (Rainbow Quest & Twisted Rainbow) = Rational/Sanity


Once again Illusion finds himself in a black void though instead of being greeted by an angry chicken man, he was met with Space and Daycare.

"Mister Illusion!" Daycare hugged the Steve, "I miss you, where did you go?"

"I was visiting Elan" Illusion awkwardly hug the child back, "Speaking of which, how did I even get here? I went the same way as I usually did."

"Sorry" Space stepped forward, "I was messing with the connections and, well, messed them up. Shadow is fixing them."

The Steve nods, thankful the child stopped hugging him and look around, "Where's everyone else?" 

"In their own world" Daycare says, "You're no longer considered a threat so there's no reason to gather here to get rid of you! Voted on it, though Sabre was against it, but everyone was okay with you or just didn't care!"

"Can you tell us some stories?" Space asked.

"Sabre and Elan probably told you everything."

"But you have a different view, and the story becomes different!" Daycare pointed out.

"Alright story time!" Flash suddenly appeared with a whimpering Zombie in his arms.

"Speedy!" Daycare giggled as he hugged the hero and zombie, "Just in time! Mister Illusion is going to tell us stories!"

"H-Hey, I never said I-" Illusion cut himself off seeing Zombie's face, "Fine, before I met Sabre or Elan I...."


(I have yet to watch Twisted Rainbow and finish Rainbow Quest)

Judge was looking down at the new world, one that was created just after Sane's journey. 

"When one ends, another begins." 

"Is it Sane's?" Shadow questioned, "The boy has been through enough."

"His sanity is at state" Assassin says, "He'll be one of us if this does not stop soon."

"Elan cannot stop this, this world is to be created and Sane must journey across this, something only Sabre has gone through." Judge signs, "Sane is younger than Sabre and experienced just as much as he has."


"It is made Shadow, I do apologize for you controlling him, but at least he's not alone."

"Guys!" FNAF suddenly appeared, "Illusion is here and- is everything alright?"

"Things are, we'll be there in a bit" Assassin answered.

FNAF bit his lip, "I-Is it about Sane? I'm worried"

"I'm fine FNAF" Sane appeared, "Just working through things, now I heard about a newcomer."

"Right, come on!" FNAF grabbed Sane and teleport away.

"They really like that entity" Judge signs.

"As long as he does not hurt them" Assassin grip the hilt of his dagger.

"He's okay, but he spends a lot of time with Elan" Shadow points out, "Sabre complains about it each time."

"Shall we go?" Judge opened a portal to where the rest were.


Illusion just finished when the trio appeared.

"Papa!" Daycare ran to Assassin who picked him up with ease, "Mister Illusion just told us how he controlled Alex and-"

While Daycare rambled to Assassin, Shadow and Judge walk to the Steve who was staring at Sane.

"Greetings Illusion, hope they were not a pain to you today" Judge greeted.

"They were fine, who's he?" 

"He's Sane, a new persona that branched off Sabre."

The Steve nods, he figured from the chicken onesie that he branched from Sabre, but there is something darker about him, something similar to Assassin: a youth that grew up too soon. Illusion wonders if this is another of Elan's hidden traits as the charters represent them: 

Assassin - haunted
FNAF - flight or fight
Shadow - corrupted/give up
Daycare - child, innocent
Flash - courage, bravery
Zombie - fear
Sabre - creativity
Judge - judgement
Space - adventure

Looking at the happy group, Illusion decided to leave things be as there is nothing he could do and no need for him to get involved. Instead, he waved goodbye to the personas and went to Elan's world to find him reading.

"Hey chicky." Illusion said surprising the human.

"Jesus Illusion!" Elan shouted, alerting everyone else in the house.

Jerome and Tewtiy came in asking if he was alright only to see a weird guy in their friend's room. Illusion was a bit worried as he hasn't met any other human besides Elan, but the human with hair on his face grinned.

"So, computer characters really are coming out of your computer!"

"Is that Illusion?!" Tewtiy asked.

"Galaxy?" Illusion asked.

The blonde's eyes widened, "I-, no! I'm not Galaxy, I'm Tewtiy, one of Sabre's friends!"

"No, I know his voice from anywhere, is Galaxy one of your characters."

The humans look at each other before Elan spoke, "That's complicated, more than the characters and that knowledge is something no one but Players should know."

"I understand" Illusion signs, "So, who's the hairy guy?"

"I'm Jerome!" The guy grinned, "Flavormyneighbor told us about you since we're Players too! Man, why couldn't you let me be Rainbow Steve."

"Because you had to commit to the schedule!" Elan shouted with a smile, "But since Illusion is here, he can beat both of you!"

"No way a Steve can beat a master" Tewtiy laughed.

Jerome smirk, "Loser has to do a death cup!"

Both humans agreed with Illusion saying, "I find Galaxy annoying so this will be interesting if he loses." 

"Na bruh, I'm not going to lose to you!"

"I'll get the game ready!"

"I'll get the Frozen Death cup!"


Word count: 844

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