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Dark Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Clawclaw3

Mafia AU, something new beside High School and Supernatural 


For as long as Sabre could remember, he and Dark have been friends; polar opposites yet fit nicely together: one is loud and friendly; the other is intimidating and prefers to be alone. No one believed Sabre when he said he and Dark would become friends during middle school but now they are in college and living together.

Dark and Sabre manage to get in the same college and decided to get an apartment together. Sabre works at a nearby coffee shop while Dark doesn't work at all since his dad gives him money every month. Now Sabre never complained and didn't say anything about Dark needing to pay or contribute more. He wasn't the one to ask anyone anything, and this is one thing Dark greatly disliked. Dark normally doesn't voice his dislikes, that was until Sabre came into his life.

One example was when Dark found out Sabre was dropping out of college. 

It was one of those rare days where neither had a class, but Sabre had work until the evening. Out of boredom, Dark went through the mail, something usually left to his roommate as most were for him. One letter caught his eye, "Time Sensitive Content" & "Overdue Fees" was printed on the front with Sabre and their school's name on it.

'Sabre never had anything overdue' Dark thought, unable to help himself, opened the letter.

"That mf chicken" Dark growled, crunching up the paper in his hands.


Sabre walked into his shared apartment. Work was more of a pain in the butt than usual with customers ordering ridiculous drinks. 

"I'm home" Sabre called out knowing his roommate may or may not pull a gun on him if he doesn't announce himself.

A light turned on to reveal Dark sitting in his 'don't you dare f*** with me' position.

"Hey Dark, what are you doing up? Don't you have class tomorrow?" Sabre asked as he hanged his satchel and jacket up, "Professor Ghost isn't the best to arrive late"

"It doesn't matter" Dark huffed, keeping his anger in check, "I actually want to talk about next term, registration begins soon" 

"Oh, I um... I haven't decided yet" Sabre answered, "Haven't had time to look with work and everything heh. Well, I'm going to shower-"

The brunet didn't realize his roommate was right in front of him and accidently bumped into him.

"Sorry Dark, man still as fast as you were in middle school!" Sabre grinned but that immediately went away when Dark only stared at him, " *sigh* Who told you?"

"It works better if you knew when mail was coming in or have it sent elsewhere" Dark huffed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not like you can do anything" Sabre crosses his arms, "My scholarship was pulled at the last minute, they gave it to someone else"

Now that surprised Dark, Sabre's always managed to get a scholarship besides of his academic success.

"Did they tell you why or whose receiving it?"

"Remember John?"

"The guy who always said, 'do you know who my father is' and that junk?" Dark was able to keep a face straight, but his fists betrayed his collective form. 

John went to the same school as them and Dark could not stand the boy. Since John learned about him, he tried to befriend him while pushing Sabre away.  

Sabre nods, "When it came down to it, John's dad made sure his son got the best thing on his resume. Now I can't attend college until next term"

Dark wanted to do something, unlike him and John, Sabre had to work for everything in his life from a lack of family who cared and money.

"Let me pay for it" 

"No" Sabre growled without a thought, "You are not paying for my tuition Dark"

Dark narrowed his eyes, "Let me do this for you Sabre, you're so close"

"It's my problem, I can take this time to work more hours and attend next term" Sabre held his ground, "End of discussion"

The taller male didn't waver, "If you're not attending, I'm not either"

Now this got Sabre, "But your father! He's going to be so angry! Don't do something when you have the opportunity!"

"I could care less what my father wants" Dark huffed, "We made a promise: get into the same college, get an apartment together, graduate college together, work at the same place"

"I'll be a little behind you, I'm not worth stopping for"

Dark opened his mouth but was cut off by his phone ringing. Sabre took this chance to leave the room to his own where he started to pack a bag. He couldn't stand to be under the same roof as Dark right now. When he came back to the living roof, Dark finished yelling something before hanging up.

"And where you think you're going?!" Dark growled seeing Sabre's bag.

"Out" Sabre huffed and walk to the door only to be blocked by his roommate, "Move"

"No, it's night, too dangerous for you to go out"

"Are you saying I can't defend myself?!"

"I know you can Sabre" Dark huffed, "It's dangerous for anyone to be out, even for me. I don't want you to get hurt. Look, I'll drop the whole college thing if you stay"

"No, I'm not falling for you negotiation techniques. I don't want to see you. And don't you dare say anything, I don't want to deal with you" Sabre shoved Dark away.

Before Dark could say anything else to get the brunet stay, Sabre spoke.

"One word, and I won't come back tomorrow" Sabre threatened then left Dark in an apartment that just got colder.

'That idiot is going to get himself killed!' Dark messed up his hair in irritation, 'The one time I can't get him to listen!'

A familiar ring came from Dark's phone.



"*sign* When I didn't think this night could get any worse"


Word count: 970

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