(2) DemonSabre

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Yandere siren dad Demon Steve x baby Sabre

Requested by MelissaC4000

Demon will be referred as Damian


Damian is a ruthless creature of the sea, even more than a siren is supposed to be. Unlike most sirens, Damian is larger, and his siren song is more effective so even those wearing protection over their ears have a chance to be under his control. There was no mercy for anyone who crosses the siren's path including any relative of his that irritates him, but there was one exception like always.

There was a family reunion happening at one of Damian's aunt's house and he was invited, accidently more than likely. Damian loves to go to these things, he enjoys seeing the fear in everyone's eyes, especially his father since he was the main reason a small siren turned into a monster of one. His family is mostly sirens and mermaids, but there are a few humans in the mix. From what he can remember, his mom, dad, uncle and two aunts will be there as usual. His uncle will more than likely bring his sons (Damian's cousins) Virus and AV. The older aunt (the one who invited him) was pregnant and already has a son and daughter. The younger one is probably still single with Illusion and Reality. Damian is the oldest child followed by Virus, Illusion, Reality then AV.

'Probably going to bring her' Damian thought bitterly referring to his sister who was treated like a princess compared to him, 'Well it'll be time to shove her off her high horse'


(Older aunt = aunty; younger aunt = aunt; uncle = uncle; Damian's sister=Karen (you'll see) Couldn't think of anyone in the Saga World)

It was reunion day and Damian was the last to arrive as usual, but it was a wonderful to see all of the wonderfully frightful and fear filled expressions on everyone's face when he enters his aunt's home.

"D-Damian, wh-what are you doing here?" His mom asked.

"Oh, well I got a lovely invitation from aunty a few days ago and couldn't ignore it" Damian smirked, he then noticed said aunt, her kids and his bratty sister were missing.

Before another word was said, a cry of a child and yelling of the missing beings filled the house.

"I told you, you can't hold him!" 

"Why not?! He's my cousin and so adorable."

"Don't touch him cheap-o"

"He's our baby brother and we're saying you can't hold him!"

Aunty appeared holding a baby wrapped in a blanket as her children made sure Damian's sister didn't get near their mom or brother.

"What's going on?" Uncle asked.

"Aunty won't let me hold him!" 

Aunty was about to retort back when she noticed Damian, "Oh Damian, sweetheart, glad you made it"

Out of everyone Aunty is the only one not afraid even though Damian did threaten her after calling him Damie.

"Wouldn't miss it" Damian then gestured to the bundle, "What's that?"

"Oh this is your baby cousin, Sabre" Aunty swam to her nephew to show, "Want to hold him?"

"Why does he get to hold him?!"

"Because I'm not a bratty princess who throws a tantrum when I don't get my way" Damian smirk and took the child to spite his sister even more.

Damian looks at his new cousin and felt his entire being freeze: the child's eyes were grey with a white haze over them, the child was blind. The child, even though unable to see, smiled at Damian and giggled. While the siren was focus on the child, the adults and Damian's sister look to Aunty.

"Why did you invite him?"

"And why did you let him hold your baby?! He has no mercy for anyone, not even babies! Remember what happened with AV?"

"I invited him because he's the only one who can call off your bratty daughter and I trust him more than her. Also, Illusion said he was the one at fault that time besides, AV said he enjoyed it" Aunty huffed, glaring at her family, "Besides, unlike all of you, I'm trying to make him feel not a monster"

Damian's sister huffed then look towards her brother and felt jealous that he got to do something she can't. Unable to take no for an answer, she flicked her tail towards them and snatched the baby out of his arms then a few feet away from everyone else.

"Hi baby, I'm your best cousin ever! We're going to have so much fun and I'll teach you so-"

The baby being taken from her then being shoved caused an interruption. Look up she saw her brother glaring daggers at her while the little boy has tears streaming down his face and made small whimpers.

Everyone in the room aside from the little boy understood the situation as Damian's eyes went from brown to bloody red indicating he is ready to kill if anyone dares take to baby in his arms.

"Don't you dare" Damian growled pulling the crying closer, "ever touch him again"

Nobody moved, not wanting to set off the siren any more than he is. Soon the baby fell asleep, and his soft snores shook Damian from his predatory state though he glared at anyone who made forward movement. Finally, Aunt spoke.

"Damian, p-please give Aunty her baby?" Aunt asked only to get a growl in return.


"Son, you're not thinking right, the child isn't yours, you two are just cousins" Damian's dad said calmly.

At this time, Aunty and Damian's mom pulled all the kids into the next room except for Damian's sister.

"Mine" Damian growled again, turning slightly so none could see the child. 

"Oh boy, not this" Uncle signs, gaining the attention which he chose to ignore, "Listen kid, I know you're going into predatorial mode mix with protective mode. The boy won't be like you, he won't be out-casted I promise"

Damian's eyes slowly faded back to his normal eye color though he looks at the baby instead of his family, offering no apologizes to anyone. Sabre giggled, reaching up from something or someone to grab

"What was that about?!" Damian's sister shouted getting a glare from her older brother.

"I wouldn't anger him, he still can go off" Uncle rubbed his face, "Now listen, all of you, due to Damian's abnormal size, his instincts are stronger than any other siren. Since Damian's siren self sees Sabre as the weakest, instincts are telling him to claim Sabre as his to protect him."

"Now that is observed!" Damian's dad shouted and was going to say more but a deadly glare on his son's face made him stop short.

Sabre started to babble, gaining Damian's attention once again.

"I think we should carry this conversation elsewhere" Uncle suggested, glancing at his nephew.

Damian's parents were hesitant, afraid to leave their son with their infant nephew; fortunately, Uncle was able to coax them. The only ones remaining were Karen, Damian and Sabre. Karen glared at her brother.

'It's not fair! Sabre is supposed to like me! Why does Damian get everything?!' Karen thought frustrated.

Damian paid no attention to his sister as he played with Sabre by putting his finger in the small hand. The infant squealed in joy having something to play with.



Word count: 1173

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