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Plague Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by MelissaC4000


'Today is the day' Plague thought to himself.

Ever since the humans and Rainbow fought then kicked him out of the Rainbow Town, Plague had time to think and realized what he did was wrong. It took months for him to finally work up the courage to come back and apologize to all of them, especially Sabre and Rainbow as he hurt them the most.

'You can do this Plague, just walk in, explain before I get attacked, face my punishment' Plague then took a deep breath and entered the gate.

There was no one but that was to be expected as it was mid-dawn and the only one who should be up is Sabre (that human really needs to sleep for a week). Plague actually hope it's Sabre he meets first in all honesty; Rainbow would over react and not listen to a word Plague wants to say. The Steve was confidence only lasted until he reached the front door of the Rainbow House and was about to freeze just before he knock.

'Come on Plague' The Steve thought, frustrated at himself, 'Just knock, there is a high chance it will be Sabre, or Lucas, either one will do. Okay, just-'

His thoughts were cut off when the door opened to reveal the one being Plague was praying to Notch it would not be.

"H-Hey Rainbow"

The only response was narrowed red eyes.

"U-Um, I just-"

"Leaving" Rainbow growled

"Wait I-"

"You were just leaving before I make you" 

"Rainbow, please just hear me out" Plague begged but the other wasn't hearing it.

"No, not after everything you did me and my friends" Rainbow then shoved Plague back, "I'm giving you one last-"

"Rainbow? Who's at the door?" A voice called out.

The colorful Steve looked over to the voice, "No one to be concern of Sabre!"

Unfortunately for Rainbow and somewhat fortunate for Plague, Sabre walk over to see what was happening.

"Oh, hey Plague, what are you doing here?" Sabre asked as though the Steve didn't infect Rainbow, try to take over their town before kicking them out of their home.

"Sabre I-"

"He was just leaving"

The brunet lightly punches his friend's arm, "Be nice *looks at Plague* sorry, would you like to come in? We're about to have breakfast, go ahead and sit down, you too Rainbow."

Plague was surprised at how nice Sabre was being but did as told and took a set diagonal to Rainbow who continues to glare at him. Lucas came over and greeted Plague with a smile before entering the kitchen to help his cousin.

"Don't let their kindness make you believe anything" Rainbow growled, "You're nothing but a manipulate jerk"

The other flinch, not use to this side of Rainbow, the Rainbow he knows was naïve and annoying, but this one, this side is something opposite and much darker. Apparently, the humans don't know of their friend's other personality as they came back with food and did not notice how tense the atmosphere was.

"So, Plague, what brings you here?" Sabre asked.

"Well, I, I came here to apologize for everything I did to all of you, especially you and Rainbow" Plague look down, not able to look at any of them.

You Decide - Steve Saga(4) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now