He's MY Brother Part 2

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Arriving at his spot, Negative sat down under a tree and started to read his book: "History of Herobrine:  King of the Nether". The very book that the Herobrine gave him when Negative was trying to control his powers at a young age. Having the King of the Nether aka God of Chaos and Destruction, come knocking on your guardian's door then ask if he could teach your son to control his powers was something you don't hear everyday. The shock look on his parents' face was forever scetch in Negative's mind.

"What do you have there?" 

A voice broke Negtive from his thoughts. Sitting on a branch above him was Elemental who smiled down now that he got the other's attention though he lost it when Negative went back to read his book. Elemental frowned for being ignored so he hopped down next to the blonde who continued to pay him no mind.

"Come on Neggy, don't ignore me" Elemental pouted but there was no response, "Neeeeeeeeeg, I came all the way out here to see you, besides we haven't seen each other for weeks"

"I didn't ask you to" Negative said, flipping the page, "As I said, Positive wanted to-"

"Positive, it's always Positive" Elemental groan, dementor change entirely.

This got Negative's attention and look at the other Steve, "What do you mean?"

"Do you realize that he's keeping you all to himself? He controls everything you do from those you can be with to where you can go!"

"He doesn't, he's my brother and he just wants to hangout with me" Negative answered, "We're all we got, like you and Time"

Shaking his head, Elemental said, "Time and I's relationship is different besides we didn't know of our guardians until a few years ago unlike you two. Also Time doesn't hog me to himself even though he has the power to do so! Negative, you have to wake up and live, not be pulled around by your brother."


"No buts" Elemental signed, "You know what, I'm going to introduce you to my guardians"

The blonde was about to refuse when Elemental spoke again, "Time will be there, he really miss you"

It was a little known fact that Negative adores Time, he was a sucker when it comes to kids in general; always wanting to be look at as a big brother. This was another thing about Negative that Positive made sure to keep for himself. 

"Fine" Negative signed then grabbed Elemental's hand, blushing slightly when the older pulled him onto his feet and into his chest, "E-Elemental?" 

"Hold on tight, paulo avis" Elemental said, holding Negative closer to him.

(Paulo avis is Latin for little bird according to Google)

The Steve nodded and grip Elemental's . One minute they were in a grassy field, the next they were in front of a cabin where three Steves stood outside. Elemental had to hold onto Negative before the blonde's legs could buckle under him. The Steves went to them and Elemental was met with a certain black hair, golden eyed boy hugging him.

"Big brother!" Time giggled, "And Neg! Glad to see you again, I missed you"

Negative smiled a bit and hug the younger back, "Nice to see you too Tinny"

Time giggled then pulled back just as his guardians were close, "Neg, these are our guardians! Void and Galaxy!"

"It's nice to meet you Mister Void, Mister Galaxy" Negative said with a little bow.

"No need to formality Negative" Galaxy smiled, "but it is nice to finally meet you, both of our boys been talking about you for some time. It's good to know you're nice"

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