Our Yanderes Part 3

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I don't know near the end.


The next time Lucas woke up, his whole body was sore, from his head down to his feet. He knew what Reverse has done and his wolf isn't too happy either, but he was angrier with that jinn than his apparent mate.


Already set with a glare, Lucas growled at Reverse who flinch and stepped back, "S-Sorry"

"I don't want 'sorry' Reverse, I want my cousin and innocence back" Lucas' glare hardened, "How long, and don't f***ing lie."

Reverse looks down, "A few hours, I stopped a bit after you passed out and you've been asleep for 9 hours. That's the truth"

Lucas wanted to be angry at the siren, but knew he's not fully responsible, and just signed "Where's my cousin and that jinn?"

"I-I don't know. Rainbow and Shark have been helping me, no luck" Reverse felt his heart sink even more, "I promise Pu-Lucas, we'll find him and Dark-"

"Don't say that name in my presence" The blonde growled, "He could die in a hole for all I care, all I want is Sabre."

"Reverse is-Lucas!" Shark grinned seeing the blonde awake, "Are you okay?"

"When I have Sabre near me and that jinn elsewhere, I will be" Lucas then signed and fully sat up, noting he was fully clothed, "Sorry, I'm frustrated, and my wolf isn't helping me control these emotions."

Shark smiles in understanding, "We'll find him, I promise."

Lucas nods then gets up, the soreness not as present anymore, "Thank you, and Reverse."

"Yes!" Reverse stood at attention.

"I'm madder at myself right now for not hating you, but I don't forgive you, understand?" 

Reverse nods, "D-Do accept me though?"

The blonde smiled a bit, "I do, so does Sabre."

Shark swore he saw Reverse's eyes sparkle at those words and couldn't help but to smile, "Alright love birds, Rainbow's been waiting for us."

The trio walk to the living room where Rainbow was typing on a computer with Boss - his rival yet friend - doing the same thing next to him. Boss is a hybrid between a siren and wolf, though more siren than anything. He's been on the sidelines ever since Rainbow went on his crazy route but thankfully Sabre has been giving him updates on his rival-friend's condition.

"Hey Rev, glad to see you up Lu" Rainbow greeted without looking up, "I think we located Sabre at Dark's house."

"How did you figure that out?" Shark asked, looking over his mate's shoulder.

Boss leaded back, "Process of elimination and a phone call about getting our 'chicken friend' out of his house before ending with a scream helped. How are you Lucas? Colors here told me the jest of everything."

"I just want my cousin" Lucas' eyes glowed yellow and Boss had to stop himself from whimpering, he owed Sabre five gold ingots now.

"Let's get our chicky back!" Reverse grinned with everyone agreeing.


Dark sat on his host's lap, happy to feel his host's warmth. After so long, he has his host; no father to interrupt them; no friends to stop them. Everything was perfect for Dark. As for Sabre, he couldn't move a muscle, breathing even hurts. He tried to reason with Dark earlier, but he no longer listened to reason.

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