A Wish in an Illusion Part 2

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The boy looked around the area as Alex and Guardian continue to stare at him. Moments again, right where the child is, Sabre once stood with the illusion block. 

"Where am I?" The brunet asked then turned his attention to the two, "Who are you?"

"W-Well, I'm Alex a-and this is Guardian." Alex introduces, "And, um, we're in a mesa biome?"

"And, um, who might you be?" Guardian asks.

The child nods, "I'm Elan....How did I get here?"

Alex and Guardian look at each other, not knowing how to answer that, but thankfully, lightning struck in between Elan and the entities. Unfortunately, it was the Steve they were trying to avoid.

"There you are! You really thought your little plan would work?! Well, I have news for all of you!" Illusion growled, he has yet to notice the child, "It didn't work! You only stole a mere portion of my power, now that I knew neither of you are under my control: I will destroy both of you and Sabre!"

"Who's Sabre?"

Hearing a child's voice honestly surprised Illusion, when he turned his attention to the child, he was even more surprised.

"Sabre? What has happened to you?"

"I don't know who Sabre is, my name is Elan" Elan said, looking at the entities, "And I'm wondering if any of you could help me? I'm not allowed to be outside pass sunset"

"Oh, um" Alex looked around nervously, "Y-You're parents said it was alright"

"....I don't have parents" Elan then got defensive, "If anything, unless you gave the caretaker money to adopt me, you kidnapped me"

"A-Adopt?" Guardian gasped and look to Alex.

Neither knew much about Sabre's past - something that made them feel very guilty - and now they wished they took the time to understand Sabre as he did from many of them, even the worst of them. 

"Yeah, adopt." Elan growled, "Go on ahead and make fun of me for not having any family. I've heard it all before so nothing you can say will affect me"

"Sa-I mean Elan, we won't make fun of you, I promise" Alex said gently.

Elan lowered his guard though it was seen he has yet to trust any of them, "Now, how did I get here?"

"I believe the illusion block is the cause"

"The what?"

"What do you mean Illusion?" Guardian questioned.

"It seems the power you took from me turned Sabre back into a child." Illusion explained, "It merely granting Sabre his wish or coming close to it. That is the only explanation"

"Can it get me home? My cousin will get worried"

Alex look at Guardian as she does not know.

"You mean Lucas?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I..I meant him before" 

It took everything in Guardian not to flinch. When he met Lucas, the blonde heard from Sabre and, well, Lucas gave him a piece of his mind. The cousins truly do anything for each other, even if it meant fighting a being beyond their own strength. Afterwards, Guardian couldn't get Lucas' words out of his head for weeks.  

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