TheLightSpike Part 2

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Requested and prompt by Luna_Teh_Bean

Prompt: While having the picnic Silver slips away to find something (you decide) leaving Light and Lucas alone and Light and Lucas get closer until their fingers touch and Light (as a shy bean) pulls his hand away and Lucas gets curious and asks what's wrong to light and Light confess his feelings for Lucas and Lucas is shocked that light likes him
And Light and Lucas didn't notice that Silver slipped away
Then Lucas notices that Silver slipped away and he tells Light and he gets worried

And of course, I'm adding my twist :)


After eating lunch, Light decided to read - also to avoid looking at Lucas - as the said person laid against a tree and watch Silver as he played nearby. Occasionally, the blonde snuck glances at the Steve before returning to the younger. At one point, Lucas fell asleep, it's such a nice day to stay awake and being so peaceful, the temptation only grew.

By the time Light finished his book, about an hour passed according to the clock he brought.

'Wow, I didn't even notice the time' Light thought then look over to Lucas who was still asleep, 'Don't blame him, it's such a nice day'

As much as Light doesn't like to wake up the blonde, it was almost sunset, and mobs are soon to spawn. Light crawled over to Lucas and shook him only to receive a groan.

"Come on Lucas" Light mumbled and continued to shake the blonde.

Somehow Light unintentionally straddled himself on Lucas' lap in his attempts to awake the blonde. Eventually Light, with some hesitation and knowing future regret, decided to slap him wait.

'I'm sorry Lucas' 

Just as Light came down with his hand, one of Lucas' hands launch up to grab Light's wrist as the other pushed his hip to force Light onto his back. Shock amethyst eyes stared into dangerous blue one's above him.

What felt like an eternity, was barely a minute before the danger in Lucas' eyes faded back to caring ones.

"L-Light?" Lucas blinked, "What happened?"

Blushing lightly, the Steve looked away, "I-I was getting late and I-I tried to wake you up b-but nothing worked so I tried to slap you a-and" 

Still not realizing their position, Lucas chuckled, "Sorry, instincts came in for when I'm about to be hurt in my sleep. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"N-No, b-but" Light glanced at Lucas and bit his lip before looking away.

This is when the human noticed their position and smirk, "Well this is different."

"I-I'm sorry, but c-can you get off me?"' 

Instead of doing what was asked, Lucas pushed himself further onto Light until their chests were touching and he was next to the Steve's ear.

"But you're so cute like this. Innocent little thing you are"

Light shut his eyes tightly, as much as he liked when Lucas does this, he wasn't Lucas'; he doesn't belong to Lucas.

"P-Please" Light whimpered, "Don't make me feel like this"

Lucas pulled back enough to see Light's eyes pool with tears and got very concern. This wasn't the first time he's done this, up until a year Lucas would tease the Steve to make him blush.

"Light" Lucas whispered and immediately got off the Steve, "I'm so sorry if I went too far, I never wanted to hurt you, I'll stop, I promise I'll stop"

You Decide - Steve Saga(4) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now