TheBowFavre Part 2

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Well, I got an idea or two by looking through yandere prompts. No part 3, please, this is just cringe to me.


Months went by since Rainbow locked both humans away for him only to see. During that time, the colorful Steve worked on a way to reverse any and everything that Void has done to his humans. He would tell them the memories they shared or items that belong to either of them, both didn't work as the humans' fear took hold, preventing them from letting anything register. 

As for Sabre and Lucas, they live in constant fear of what the Steve can and will do to them. Every day they silently beg for Void to come save them; they learnt not to mention Void's name after Rainbow almost ripped some of Sabre's hair out. The poor angel cried until he was beyond exhausted and more after he woke up. Lucas did his best to protect Sabre as his master had him to; his loyalty to the Steve is hard to waiver.

Aside from the fear they felt, Lucas' loyalty and Sabre's faithfulness towards Void also prevent them from remembering anything which angered Rainbow greatly. They should be loyal and faithful only to him. It's only a matter of time before Sabre and Lucas are his.

"Good morning my loves~" Rainbow sang as he entered the kitchen where Lucas sat at the table and Sabre was cooking.

After a week, Rainbow let the humans wonder around the house he made. The area was like the Rainbow Town with walls all around to prevent anyone from getting in and out.

Rainbow hug the brunet from behind, "How's my little chicky doing?"

"F-Fine" Sabre said shakenly, doing his best not to drop what's in his hands.

"That's good to hear" Rainbow kiss Sabre's neck, "Mmmm, I know what I want for breakfast"

"P-Please s-stop" Sabre whimpered, "I-I"

"I understand, distracting the cook isn't a good idea, no matter how delicious the cook is" Rainbow pressed his lips against Sabre's neck once again before letting him go.

Lucas looks down when Rainbow pulled a chair right next to him and sat down.

"Goodmorning sweetheart, how are you?" Rainbow tilted Lucas' up.

"I-I'm good, a-and y-you?" Lucas tried to keep his breathing steady.

"Wonderful! I have something for both you after breakfast" Rainbow grinned, "You are going to love it"

Sabre served breakfast and they ate in silent with Rainbow making a comment here and there. Afterwards, the Steve told them to wait in the living room where he meant them a few minutes later with two vials: one is filled with blue liquid and other green.

"Here you go, make sure you drink it all up!" Rainbow grinned madly.

Hesitantly, they did as told, knowing full and well Rainbow will get them to drink it one way or another. Moments after the vials were empty, there was a bright light that surrounded Sabre and Lucas for a few seconds before disappearing.

 "Nnnn, my head" Sabre groaned, "What happened?"

"Did anyone get the license plate on that truck?" Lucas partially joked, hold his head.

"S-Sabre, Lucas?" Rainbow asked, prayed to Notch that it worked.

The blonde look at the Steve, "Rainbow? Hang on, why am in Sabre's world?"

Sabre and Lucas look at Rainbow for answers, answers that Rainbow made sure they got. The Steve went on how Void kidnap Sabre then Lucas after coming to Sabre's world to visit. Void did experiments on them to make them his slaves. Rainbow was able to rescue them, but Void did something to erase portions of their memories and put them in a deep sleep for several weeks.

"Thanks Bow" Sabre smiled and hug his friend, "I'm glad you're okay and I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you, Void is so strong"

Lucas shook his head, "I should have never left, maybe then this would have never happened"

"It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we are together now and for the future" Rainbow grinned, pulling the two into an embrace.

"Actually" Lucas pulled away, "I need to leave, I need to get back to my world soon"

"I'm coming with you; there's so much we need to discuss." Sabre smiled

Rainbow look at the two in shock, he just got them and now he's going to lose them. He felt something inside of him cracking as he clenches and unclench his fists. They were supposed to stay together, neither of them leaving him. Both are supposed to want to stay with him. Rainbow thought the potion and false story would make them stay.

"No" Rainbow growled.

"Rainbow?" Sabre asked as he placed his hand on the red head's shoulder, "What do you mean by no?"

"You're not leaving me, not again"

Sabre and Lucas shared a look before the latter spoke, "We're not going to be gone for good, just for a few days."

"Neither of you are leaving me" Rainbow growled and shoved Sabre back causing him to fall into Lucas and sending them onto the couch.

"What is-" Sabre stopped short seeing the expression on Rainbow's face.

"My chicky, my sweetheart" Rainbow giggled, staring the two intensely, "You're not leaving me. You're not leaving me! Not now, not ever"

Lucas pulled Sabre close, eyes trained on his now insane friend. Now he understands why Rainbow's explanation didn't feel right at all. As for Sabre, now he knows why his heart felt as though it's about to burst being with Rainbow: it was from fear.


"Oh, you don't know what you are in for" Rainbow eye twitch, "I'm going to show everyone who you two belong to"


Word count: 916

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