FavremyNight Part 3

680 14 3

Requested by  Itzcrystall0816, Firekittyqueen,  MelissaC4000


Nightmare had left a few minutes ago, leaving Sabre sobbing about the predicament he's now in and the burning feeling on his hip showing who he will belong to when he reaches of age. All the brunet wants is to go home to Alex and her parents, not to be here with the said to be cruel king. Once Sabre calmed down, he got off the bed and attempted to find his way around the room, trying his best not to bump into anything which he did but luckily it was just walls. Unknowing to him, a certain siren was watching the poor mermaid and enjoying how helpless he looked.

Eventually Sabre swam into something that didn't feel like a wall or anything else and tried to figure out what it was. Nightmare tried his best to hold back his groans feeling the brunet hands gently touch him. With those small and gentle hands moved slowly around his body; all Nightmare wanted to do is to take them into his own while make the brunet beg for him.

"What is this?" Sabre asked out loud.

At this point, the mermaid's hands were on Nightmare's shoulder and the siren couldn't take it as he wrapped an arm around the smaller then pulled him closer. Sabre gasps, feeling himself pulled into whatever was in front of him, unable to get away.

"How's my little jewel doing? Had fun exploring?" A familiar voice said.

"N-Nightmare?" Sabre then shook, "I-I mean K-King Nightmare, please forgive me"

The siren chuckled as he played with his mate's hair, "I prefer if you call me 'my king', after all once I fully claim you, I belong to you as you belong to me."

"I-I don't want to belong to anyone, I want to go home" Sabre whimpered.

"I know you do, but as long as you have this *traces a nail around the mark on the other's hip* you belong to me" Nightmare smirk at Sabre shivering at his touch, "And I won't let you leave until I properly mark you".

Nightmare's hand went down to the green tail and lifted up so he was now holding Sabre bridal style to which the mermaid reacted by holding the first thing he could: the siren's neck. The size differences almost made it where the king could hold the brunet with one arm.

"I can't wait to hold you like this on our wedding day"


"Yes, you would be my lovely bride and we would be both united physically and mentally" Nightmare said as he strock Sabre's scales with his thumb, "I would love to have a creature like you to be bonded to me for all of eternity."

"B-But I'm not even of age! I want to live my life before getting a mate or getting married!" Sabre cried, "I'm too young for this!"

"And that's one of the reasons you are the perfect choice" Nightmare chuckle, "But let's talk about that later, for now let's get some food, I bet you are hungry"

At the mention of food, Sabre's stomach growled making the siren smirk and the mermaid blush in embarrassment. Still carrying the brunet, Nightmare swam in the dining room where there was a table with food on it. The king sat Sabre down then took a set diangle to him, and watched as his lovely mate nervously shifted around.

"Go on jewel, have something to eat"


Sabre hesitantly lifted his hands onto the table to feel things, he was worried that he would knock something over and would anger the king. Meanwhile, Nightmare was enjoying watching, once again, as the poor mermaid looked so helpless, lately it's the only thing he enjoys watching ever since he brought the mermaid there. Eventually, Sabre does slip up, but instead of spilling something, he accidentally runs his hand over a knife and cuts himself. The mermaid only had time to pull his hand away before it was taken away from him and was held in a gentle hold. Seeing his mate hurt flipped a switch in Nightmare's head, going from smug (idk how to describe it) to gentle. Though, that switch only lasted until he inspected Sabre's hand and saw it was a small cut.

"I-Is it bad?" Sabre asked.

"No, in fact" Nightmare licked the blood off Sabre's hand, "it's quite delicious"

"K-King N-Nightmare" Sabre blushed.

"I would love to have more, I want to know if the rest of you taste just as delicious" Nightmare kissed the back of the brunet's hand, "I also told you to call me 'my king' my precious jewel"

Sabre nodded and tried to pull his hand away only to find the grip has tighten, "Y-Yes m-my k-king"

Satisfied, Nightmare picked up Sabre and put him sideways on his lap. Out of instinct, Sabre wrapped his arms around the siren's neck.

"The fear of a simple gesture is wonderful my jewel" Nightmare said with amusement, "now open up"

Sabre felt something poke his lips and realized that the siren was going to feed him, something he absolutely hated: being fed as though he was a baby. Moving his head away, the mermaid said,

"I can feed myself, I don't need hel-mph!"

That sentence was interrupted when food was shoved in the mermaids mouth, choking him a bit. When he swallowed, he wasn't able to speak as another spoon full of something was shoved in his mouth. This cycle repeated until Sabre managed to push himself off Nightmare and landed on the floor, sobbing while trying to swallow the remains in his mouth. The king floated next to his mate then cradled him in his arms.

"Shh, don't cry. I'm here, I'm here" Nightmare whispered then pressed light kisses on his head and neck.

"Wh-Why?" Sabre choked out.

"Because you're my mate, I can do whatever I please with you. Besides, I love how helpless you look, how fragile you are. Your blindness is a blessing, for me at least" Nightmare kissed up Sabre's neck, "So I would advise you to do as I say, my jewel"

Still trying to regain his focus, Sabre leaned on Nightmare who picked the brunet then sat back on his set.

"Go to sleep jewel, I'll be here when you wake" Nightmare said.

The siren then rubbed a sensitive spot behind Sabre's ear that pushed him to fall asleep and within a few seconds, Sabre was out like a light. After making sure the brunet was fast asleep, Nightmare snapped his fingers and servants, who were waiting by the wall, cleared the table then left the room as ordered before the king's arrival with the mermaid.

The siren then laid the mermaid on the table before grabbing the knife Sabre cut his hand on. Next to the marking on his hip, Nightmare made a different one representing the mermaid is to be wedded. There is a difference between being bonded and being married. Being bonded means you and your mate are connected mentally, feel each other's emotions and such. Being married means further connection as it is presented that you belong to one person and one person alone. Yes they are pretty much the same, just one is a mental connection and the other is a physical one. 

(Sorry if this is confusing, I did that when I was very, very sleep deprived)

When Nightmare finished, he licked the blood from the soon-to-be scar then smiled at it. Only a few more months then the mermaid will be truly his and he won't have to ruin anymore of his flawless skin with such scars. Only then will the fun will begin.


Word count: 1286

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