Return of the Personas

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Illusion Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by MelissaC3000

This is part two of Characters and Their Human:


It has been a few days since Illusion's plan to the real world failed do him underestimating everything and, in the end, made an utter fool of himself. Originally, he did not think there would be many people but according to those 'servers', as Sabre called them, there were thousands and in the real world, billions. He also underestimated Sabre's powers, he could have shaped this world anyway he wanted without consequence and had knowledge of how to control it. The biggest thing Illusion failed to realize is even though he stole Sabre's abilities, he was still bond to this world and would have lost himself if he didn't return.

Though, the biggest thing was meeting those characters, different versions of Sabre or well Elan or whoever he talks to. He met five, including Sabre as a character and they say there are more. Just how many more are there is the question that repeated in Illusion's head along with how many more secrets Sabre is hiding from everyone.

As of now, Illusion sat by the duplicate of The Rainbow Tree of Life after giving Sabre back his account back and let him, Alex, and Guardian go. Illusion did not want them to see him afterwards though Sabre knew he was utterly afraid after disconnecting. He was thinking back to the characters: FNAF, Daycare, Flash, Sabre, and the one who scares him the most, Assassin. Sabre -well Elan - is not the one to harm others without reason, now Assassin has the ability to harm without reason but choses to stick by the other's rules.

They were all apart of Sabre, well Elan as Sabre is a character as well, each represented a different trait. It was all confusing as-


The said Steve snapped out of his thoughts and look up to see someone who he didn't want to see anytime soon.

"S-Sabre? What are you doing here?"

"Well first off, I want to know if you met the others before coming back"

"Others? You mean your characters?" Illusion asked.

The brunet signed then something appeared in front of him.

"What's that?" Illusion's eyes then widened when Sabre suddenly change looks, "Wh-What?"

Sabre is now wearing a blue shirt with brown pants, and for the first time, no bandanna, but he kept his eyes closed (just like the skin he uses in his VR series and is known as the original). Of course, he pulled out a bandanna out of his pocket and tied it around his head.

"That's much better" Sabre smiled.

"Wh-What just happened?" Illusion asks not able to comprehend how Sabre magically change clothes.

"It's something I can do, and you can call me Elan since we're alone. And to not confuse myself and the other Sabre you met" Elan explained, "also they're called Personas, not characters to let you know. Second which ones did you met and what did they say?"

"Hang on, explain everything" Illusion crossed his arms.

The brunet signed, "No one is supposed to know about the Personas having their own free will besides others who are like me. They weren't even supposed to reveal themselves to you or to anyone in general. "

"Oh, if you know they talk to me, why not ask them?"

"Reasons, now I answer your questions, answer mine"

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