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Yandere Siren Rainbow x Child 09SharkBoy

Requested by MelissaC3000


Rainbow is a siren and lives with his fifteen-year old son, Junior, who Rainbow loves with all his heart. The two live a peaceful life, had everything they ever wanted, well, almost everything. Years ago, Rainbow was married to someone who thought would be his long time mate; however, when Junior turned ten, she left with their barely one-year old son. No note, no words, no nothing. She left with her son while Rainbow was showing Junior how to hunt, this left the father-son heart broken. A few months later, Rainbow's best friend, Boss, told him that his wife had cheated on him with a hybrid of the land and sea. Boss only found out by seeing her with another man when he was taking a walk on land. Hearing that news, both father and son developed a hatred for their wife/mother for the deed she has done. As for the youngest of their now broken family, Rainbow planned on taking him back, whether he is his or another's.

Five years in the future, Rainbow is going to visit an old friend, Junior doing the same while his dad is away so he won't be alone. Rainbow was going to search for his missing son once again, he's suppose to turn five this week. Junior wanted to visit the land to help his dad, but he has yet to learn how to be in his human form.

"I'll be back in a few days, promise me you will listen to GS" Rainbow said.

"I will dad" Junior huffed, "I always listen to him, he's king of the sea for Notch's sake! I don't want to be on his bad side!"

The older siren chuckled and ruffed his son's hair, "Be safe, love you"

"Love you too" 

Junior hugged Rainbow then the two parted ways. 


In an underwater cave

Rainbow hauled himself on land and concentrated on becoming his human self. The only thing that remain of his siren self were the tattoos on his neck representing his gills, sharp nails and teeth. The last two were dulled to a certain point. Next was to put on the clothes he stash the last time he was here, he came out with pants but they are wet. 

After getting situated and grabbed his bag, Rainbow headed out to the beach where the cave lead out to. Upon exiting the cave, the siren seen a bunch of people walking around or playing. Children playing in the water while their parent(s) sat on the sand doing their own thing. Watching the younger ones made Rainbow's heart clench, he wanted to find his youngest so bad and live like the rest of these families. 

"Excuse me?"

Rainbow's attention went to a boy with light brown hair and eyes who couldn't be older than 10.

"Oh, can I help you young one?"

"Are you a siren?" The boy asked with pure curiosity.

The older knelt down, "I am, my name is Rainbow, and you?"

"I'm George! I can make things appear out of thin air! Look!" George closed his eyes and took a deep breath then a cup appeared in his hand, "See!"

"Impressive, are you a sorcerer?"

The child nodded happily, "My mom was one! She use to teach me a lot of tricks!"

"Use too?" Rainbow frowned, "I'm sorry for your lost young one"

"It's okay" George said with a sad smile, "Dad said she's in a better place and I have a new mom and a new brother. But I don't like my new mom, she's mean"

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