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Nightmare Steve x TheLSpike

Requested by MelissaC3000

Episode based off: Leaving the Nightmare Dimension


Nightmare was working on a machine when he seen several eggs fly through the air and landing around his machine. Curious to where they were coming from, he flew around the area the eggs were thrown from. Soon enough he found the culprit: Rainbow and the human in a chicken onesie.

"He sees me" Rainbow whimpered.

"He sees you!" Sabre then ran while shouting for Rainbow to follow him.

The corrupted Steve chased after them, spawning lava to slow them down but they found a way around and he lost them a few times. Sabre and Rainbow hid under some free floating sand over a small pond. Both were hoping that Nightmare won't touch the sand as that would blow their cover.

Nightmare became frustrated and was about to continue his search knowing the human would continue to pester him if he's not taken care of when he spotted something on the ground. Flying to him, he seen it was a communicator and when he picked it up he heard a voice.

"Sabre? Sabre what's going on? Are you and Rainbow okay? I'm about done mining the Condense Shadow Stone, I'll met you back at base"

'So they were a distraction' Nightmare thought, 'This might pull them out of hiding'

He tossed the communicator away and flew back to his machine, unknowing to him, he was just a few blocks away from where Sabre and Rainbow were. Speaking of them, they thought they were out of the woods when they haven't heard Nightmare for sometime. That was true until Sabre saw something fall into the water.

"What's that?" Rainbow ask.

Sabre picked it up and realized it was his communicator.

"Um Sabre?" Rainbow walk to the brunet, "You look pale"

"We have to go back to the machine Nightmare made" Sabre said in a panicked voice and got out of the hole.

Sabre ran in the direction of the machine with Rainbow right behind him asking what is going on. The human ignored the Steve, he was focus on getting to Lucas.

Meanwhile, with Lucas, he just finished mining the Condense Shadow Stone and was about to go back. He was worried about Sabre and Rainbow, and hope that Nightmare didn't get to them.

"Alright, need to go before Nightmare gets back"

"Before who gets back?"

Lucas froze

"Turn around human, slowly"

The blonde gulped before turning around to see Nightmare pointing a gold sword right at him. The Steve smirk see the fear in the human's blue eyes.

"And what might be your name?"


"Well, Lucas" Nightmare walk closer and grab his arm, "you're coming with me"

The blonde's eyes widened and tried to struggled to get away, but of course the Steve was stronger and his attempts were futile.

"Let my cousin go!"

Both turned their head to see Sabre holding a diamond sword with Rainbow behind him.

"Sabre!" Lucas shouted.

"So that's your name" Nightmare smirk looking at Sabre.

"Yeah, now let him go"

"I think not, he's coming with me" Nightmare said, "Let's see how you like something being stolen from you"

You Decide - Steve Saga(4) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now