FavremyNight Part 8

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Requested by Itzcrystall0816

I had no idea on how to end this and I am not happy on how this is written. Also I forgotten about Plague somewhere here, but I don't feel like writing this anymore. Not happy with this as I stated.


There was a buzzing noise that filled his head, blocking out any other sounds reaching out for him. All senses were numbed: the feeling of something wet slip through his fingers; hearing pain filled gasps of someone near death; the smell of something metallic was the only things going through his mind.

Alex and Sabre hug each other, neither able to keep themselves together any longer with Guardian joining them. Galaxy screamed out in pain as Void held onto him in order to anchor him to the world. Plague floated down, feeling his heart stop beating the moment the trident was thrown. 

"El" The siren whispered, tears falling from his face


"Don't...cry" Negative smiled, reaching up to wipe away the tears on the avian's face.

"N-Neg" Elemental grab the blonde's hand.

Life drained from those bright yellow eyes, "I....love....you"

"N-No" Elemental held Negative close, "Don't say that! Take it back! Please take it back! Negative please! Please don't leave me! I love you! I love you so much! Please come back! Wake up, wake up and tell me I'm an idiot! Wake up and tell me that I'm a child! Please! Please don't take him away.... please don't take my sunshine away"

Elemental sobbed as he begged for the siren to wake up, apologizing for failing him, promising to do anything for Negative to wake up.

As everyone mourn for Negative, no one noticed a certain siren charge to the trio of sea creatures with a trident in hand.

"Give me my jewel!" Nightmare roared.

No one had time to react, Guardian shielded the mermaids from the attack but before the insane siren could strike the former guard, his attack was blocked by a pole.

"What is the mean of this?!" Nightmare growled.

The attention was on the person who protected the three.

"You will not hurt anyone ever again!" Positive screamed as he pushed Nightmare away.

Positive went into a defensive stance though tears stream down his face, next to him was his dad in the same position.

"This ends now brother" Infinity declared.

"Both of you, how dare you!" Nightmare growled and was about to strike once again but was restrained by chains summoned by Void.

"That is enough of you" Void glared and tug on the chains to make the siren fall to the ground. 

As Void dealt with Nightmare, Alex look to Positive and Infinity,

"W-Why did you help us?" 

Infinity look to where his eldest laid, "We were under a curse for our family's selfishness, the price to free anyone is the one they love the most demise. In my and Positive's case, Negative was the one we love the most. Negative was unaffected because he gives rather take. I just wanted to protect my baby; he's too good for this world"

 All the father and son wanted to do was to hug Negative, apologize for everything they have done to him over the years, but they didn't deserve to do so. Negative did his best to help them all even if that meant his own imprisonment. Both felt guilty, especially Positive as he is the cause of his brother's demise. 

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