He's MY Brother Part 3

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Requested by RachiePotato184


Negative was enjoying him time with the small family so much that he lost track of time. Thoughts about his brother were pushed back as he played with Time while Elemental tried to get his attention; it reminded him of when he was younger before pressure of locking away his emotion came into effect.

"Give me attention!" Elemental groan, "Please! Insult me or whatever, just give me attention!"

"You're acting like a child" Void chuckled.

"Am not!"

"Are too" Galaxy joined in.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are" Time giggled.

"I'm not!"

"No you're not"

"Yes I'm acting like a child!" Elemental shouted and it took him a second to realize what he just said, "Oh come on Neg!"

The blonde smiled a bit before going back to the puzzle he and Time are doing. Everyone else, save Elemental, burst out in laughter while Elemental just laid his head on Negative's lap. Galaxy and Void watch their eldest son and, hopefully, son-in-law, they seemed to fit nicely; understand what the other wants without any words spoken between them. Time smiled seeing his brother looking so peaceful and happy near Negative, it was the same look he had with Nightmare before learning that the king did not swing that way. As for Elemental, he relaxed laying on Negative, it felt nice to be near the Steve.

"Done" Negative said getting everyone out of their thoughts.

"Awe, I wanted to do the roller coaster" Time pouted then smiled, "But that was fun! What's next?"

"I think I'm going home" Negative said then yawned and rubbed his eye, " 'm getting tired and Positive must be worried"

"Why don't you stay the night? It's too late anyways for you to go home and I haven't been to your home so I can't teleport you there" Elemental said as he sat up next to the blonde.

"Just teleport us where we were..." Negative trailed off.

"Nope, you are too tired to even speak" Elemental then picked up the sleepy Steve, "You are going to sleep, you can go home tomorrow."

"M'kay" Negative mumbled and curled himself into the master of elements.

"Night Neg!" Time said.

"Night Tinny..." 

Once the two Steves were out of the room, Galaxy spoke,

"I can't believe my baby is growing up" The starry Steve then wiped a non-existing tear away.

"It was bound to happen Gal, can't keep them kids forever" Void patted his brother's back, "Besides, Negative seems to be a good one though I'm worried about that brother of his. I wonder if he's as possessive as Elemental puts him"

"He is" Time frowned

"You met him?"

Time nodded, "He's nice at first, but then I started to talk to Negative and I guessed Positive was getting upset that we were ignoring him. When Negative left, Positive told me that Negative is his and I better not get any ideas about taking Negative from him. Elemental heard and got angry and I thought him and Positive were going to fight but Negative came back and Positive became clingy and gave us bad looks."

"Why didn't you say anything to Negative at that time?"

"He was under a lot of stress at the time, his guardians were pressuring to control his powers and emotions, any slip ups were met with consequences. He came down with a bad fever later that week"

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